Chapter 16: Thoughtless

Start from the beginning

          Larson smiled, "yeah they miss you too. As horrible as this may sound my mom always compared you to Lewis, she just didn't like her for some reason. But you? She wanted me to marry you one day," his lips fell into a thin line as his eyes tore away from Ariel's. Larson never really admitted it, and neither did he have to say it out loud but it was obvious to any outsider looking in and Ariel herself that he still loved her. He didn't break up with her out of free will so of course his feelings still lingered.

          He thought that maybe someday when they escaped this forsaken town, he would have a chance to get her back. But before then, he had to do everything in his power to forget her. Lewis was a means to an end in the very beginning but eventually, he grew to like her. But even a blind person could see his feelings were never as strong compared to how he felt for Ariel. There was something about her he couldn't quite put his finger on. He always wondered why he was so hung up on her but till this day, he could never find the answer.

          "Anyways," he cleared his throat as he motioned to the foyer, "we should head upstairs and get some rest. You've had a long day, you're probably exhausted." Ariel nodded her head in agreement and followed in suit behind Larson as he led her up the stairs towards the guest room. "If you wanna take a shower I can get you a change of clothes. I still have your Beetles T-shirt here. You were obsessed with them at one point," he chuckled as he pushed the door open.

          "Larson," she eyed the dark room warily, "can I stay with you tonight?" His eyes widened as he leaned against the frame of the door, unable to hide the bewilderment on his face. "I–you–you want me to stay with you tonight? Like–like in here?" He cleared his throat loudly and stood upright. Sensing his uneasiness, Ariel dismissed her comment swiftly, "it's okay, if you feel uncomfortable I'm fine. I just–I don't want to be alone."

          "No, no it's okay! I'll–I guess I'll just sleep on the floor." Ariel threw her hands in the air and waved dismissively, her mouth stretching into a smile, "this is your house, Larson. I don't want you sleeping on the floor for my sake. I just shouldn't have asked." She slumped down onto the bed, "it's fine, really. I'll sleep here." Larson took a hesitant step toward her, "a–are you sure?" He stammered in uncertainty. Larson prayed for her to say no because he did truly want to be by her side tonight even if that meant sleeping on a comforter splayed out on the floor.

          He wanted her to feel safe, especially in his presence. Larson was rather vocal about his hatred for Tobias but nothing—not even the time he suspected Tobias was his blackmailer—could amount to the anger coursing through him at this moment. It didn't matter what Ariel said, how much she reassured him that this wasn't Tobias' fault, Larson knew in his heart of hearts all roads lead back to the freckled face guy with a boyish smile. "I'm gonna go take a shower," Ariel said, breaking the silence that had fallen over them.

          Larson shifted on his feet, "yeah? Okay I'll get you the shirt and you can use one of my shorts. I know those jeans are uncomfortable," he babbled, "you know where the bathroom is. There's a clean towel in the closet and a few toiletries so you can use that as well. I'll be back," before Ariel could respond he hightailed out of the room and slammed the door shut behind him. Ariel fished out her phone from her pocket and navigated her way towards Adele's contact.

         She had no intentions of calling her parents herself seeing as she was too exhausted to handle a conversation that can go south at any given moment. She texted Adele that she was spending the night at Evelyn's and to inform their parents of her whereabouts so as to not worry. Adele replied that she knew Ariel was at Larson's house.

          Tell mom and dad and you're dead

Pay for my silence, where do you keep your stash of money?

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