Chapter 2

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As they went past the living room, Yoongi had taken the time to inspect Namjoon's house. It wasn't too big neither was it too small. It was a cozy house with not too much clutter laying around. There were shelves inbuilt into the wall that hosted books and various other things.

As they were walking down the hallway to Namjoon's study area, the area had a large glass slide open door that opens out onto a porch. The porch overlooked a beach and there were stairs placed on the middle edge of the wooden porch that led down to the beach. It seems Namjoon had put some light blue lounging chairs on the porch, which created an even more amazing view with the beach.

The beige walls had several picture frames spaced out from each other. They contained important pictures and things such as a picture from their graduation and a drawing of a crab that was once given to Namjoon. There were inbuilt lights on the ceilings that gave off light when it became darker. Down the hall lead into the study area where Namjoon had put most of his potion equipment and books there.

Yoongi had stopped behind Namjoon who had stopped in front of the white doors that led into the study room. Namjoon turned around to Yoongi," Ah hyung, I just remembered that I had left the study room a bit messy the last time I was in there."

Yoongi just shrugged it off," It can't be that bad, right?"

Namjoon tried to stop Yoongi," You underestimate the mess, hyung."

Yoongi shoves Namjoon away from the door," Try me."

Yoongi opens the door and the first thing he sees is mess. The mess is everywhere. It's on the floor, on the walls, on top tables, and on the ceiling. What does the mess look like? It's basically an explosion of purple liquid littering almost everywhere in the room.

Yoongi slowly backs away from the door and closes it, before turning to Namjoon who had a sheepish smile on his face. "I really underestimated it huh."

"Heheh yep. We should go clean it right?"

"Of course we should. Where are your cleaning supplies?"
After an hour of cleaning, Yoongi and Namjoon had finally gotten the study area clean as a whistle. They decided to go eat lunch before planning out the potions. Yoongi had volunteered to cook in Namjoon's kitchen but Namjoon said," Yoongi hyung, let me do it! I've been taking cooking classes and I've improved a lot since last time you were over."

"... sure Namjoon."

"I really have! Just go to the living room and I'll cook something for us and Jimin. What does he like to eat? I don't have cat food, sorry."

"Jimin likes cooked fish and scrambled eggs. Don't make the cooked fish and scrambled eggs though, he had that in the morning before coming here."

"So I should make another type of cooked egg?"

"Exactly Namjoon."

In his brain, Namjoon immediately went through the egg recipes he had done in the cooking class. "Perhaps some egg garnish? I might make some for us and give Jimin some of it too."

Yoongi looked at Namjoon," That's... actually a really good idea. I don't think I tried to make egg garnish for Jimin, which is kind of crazy."

Namjoon clapped his hands," Great! Yoongi hyung, go to the living room or do whatever, i don't really care because I trust you. I'm going to go cook lunch for us now."

And off Namjoon went to the kitchen. Yoongi went towards the living room, where Jimin was still laying on the light blue couch. Yoongi sunk onto the couch, exhausted from cleaning the study room.

Looking over to his cat, Yoongi started to realize details of the cat that he hadn't seen before. Jimin's nose was a soft pink and was totally boop worthy. The cat was just resting on the couch, paws resting under his fluffy white fur. Yoongi had given him a bath the night before and he doesn't regret it. The fluffiness of it made Yoongi want to bury his face into the back of the cat. That's exactly what he did.

His action woke Jimin up, who looked annoyed at the fact that Yoongi's face was on his back. The cat had tried to claw at Yoongi's face, but the witch backed away from him before he could.

Yoongi stared at Jimin who stared back.

"I don't mean to interrupt but lunch is ready." Namjoon said, poking his head from behind the wall that separate the living room and outer dining room.

Yoongi was the first to break away from the mini staring contest. "In that case, we should go eat now. Come on, Jimin."

Yoongi got up from his spot on the couch and went off to where Namjoon had disappeared to. Jimin had lifted his head from his resting spot and decided to go and join the two witches for lunch.

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