Chapter 1

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Waking up to the sun shining into his bedroom made him want to go back to sleep. Suddenly, Yoongi remembered he had to go and gather supplies for his next batch of potions to sell. He laid on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. That is, until Jimin came in.

The cat treaded his way onto his owner's bed, hopping up onto it once it got close enough. Jimin started to walk onto Yoongi's chest and laid there. Yoongi felt a weight being added to his chest so he took his eyes away from the ceiling and onto his chest.

"Oh Jimin you're awake too I see."

The cat just responded with a meow. Yoongi assumed it was a yes.

"Ah that's good. I would appreciate it if you would get off."

Jimin stayed.

"I see how it is then. I'm going to have to not give you food then."

With that, Jimin rolled off his chest. He stayed near his owner though.

Yoongi wasn't in the mood to do anything. He just wanted to stay in his bed all day and sleep. But the long to-do list that was in front of his bed said otherwise.

Perhaps if Yoongi completed the list earlier he would be able to lay in his bed all he wanted. Sadly, he left everything to compile onto the list.

What was on the list? Going to Namjoon's house was there. So was feeding Jimin. Even what he meant to do today was there too.

Yoongi stared at the list. It stared back. It dared Yoongi to complete it. He gave in and got off the comfy bed.
Jimin lifted his head from the bed, watching Yoongi as he picked a few clothes from his closet. Jimin knew Yoongi was going to take a shower, so he jumped off the bed and made his way to the living room.

Yoongi's fashion style was mostly black. Although sometimes Jimin would tug at his clothes and push more colorful ones towards him. To Yoongi, Jimin had much of a better sense of style. Even if he was a cat.

Taking his small bunch of clothing, Yoongi made his way to the bathroom. He put his clothes and put them onto the toilet seat cover. Yoongi brushed his teeth and washed his face. Taking off his pajamas, which were a silky black material, he folded them neatly and placed them onto the marble sink countertop. Yoongi moved towards the shower, turning on the water to a warmer temperature than the already cold one in his bathroom.

In the shower, he just stood there. Yoongi let the water shower onto him. He thought about what he would do when he got out of the bathroom. Probably eat breakfast for a few minutes and make sure Jimin is fed. Should he bring Jimin along? Yeah, he would be a useful cat wouldn't he?

Yoongi decided to get out of the shower and put on his clothes that he picked. He first put on his underwear and then his black ripped jeans. Yoongi slipped his black sweater with white stars littering the top shoulder portion. He put his socks on and then his white timberlands. Then out of the bathroom he goes.

Once Yoongi walked into the bedroom, he noticed Jimin sitting near the place where he kept his jewelry. Yoongi only has the jewelry because Jimin had pushed it towards him when they were shopping together. The witch walked towards Jimin and noticed that Jimin had taken out some earrings and a black velvet choker with a moon dangling from it. Yoongi picked up the jewelry and attached them onto himself. Now, it was time to get some delicious breakfast.

Not wanting to toot his own horn, but Yoongi thinks he's the best at cooking. Namjoon had once told him that he knows someone who cooks even better than Yoongi. He didn't believe it.

Making his way to the kitchen, he felt the need to eat avocado toast and some eggs. So he made just that. As he was making the poached egg to put on his avocado toast, he remembered he had to feed Jimin too.

Jimin usually eats the normal cat food bought from the store, but sometimes he wants to eat normal food and refuses the cat food. Today was one of those days. Through many trials, Yoongi found out that Jimin's favorite food is cooked fish and scrambled eggs.

Yoongi quickly made the cooked fish and scrambled eggs for Jimin and ate his food. After he finished, Yoongi took both of their empty dishes and washed them. He looked at the clock and noticed he should hurry to go to Namjoon's house.

Rushing into his room, he found a backpack and started to put some items in there like his earbuds, wand, a couple potions, and some snacks. Yoongi took his car keys and scooped Jimin into his arms and made his way to his car.

As they were on the way to Namjoon's house, Yoongi had kept glancing over to Jimin in the front seat. Jimin was curled up on the warm seat because Yoongi had turned on the seat heater in order to enhance the cat's ride in the car.

They eventually arrived at Namjoon's house and rang the doorbell. Jimin was resting on Yoongi's shoulders when Namjoon had opened the door.

"Hey Yoongi hyung! I see you brought Jimin along huh. Hurry in, we need to figure out what potion to make for you to sell later."

As they stepped in, Jimin leaped off Yoongi's shoulder and bolted to the cozy blue couch.

"Oh wow Jimin. Coming with me to Namjoon's house only to leap off of my shoulder and sit on his couch. I see how it is."

Jimin ignored him and fell asleep.

Yoongi took off his shoes and placed them neatly near the door before turning to Namjoon," Let's get started shall we?"


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