Chapter 14

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Jin and Jimin got to the doors of the kitchen and Jin opened the door first. "After you, Jimin."

The duo went in the kitchen and there were a few cooks hustling around, making food to serve to the customers. Jin leads Jimin to an area where there were less cooks.

"Jiminie, maybe you should sit somewhere. I'll pull up a chair if you'd like." Jin offered, not wanting him to keep standing.

Jimin shakes his head. " No thanks, you don't have to get me a chair. Wait, is it okay if I sit on the counter?"

"Sure, I guess," Jin says. " Just have your tail stay away from the foods. The fur might fall off and end up in the food."

Jimin hops onto the marble counter and swings his legs. Took him a few tries, but he did it.

As Jimin was doing this, Jin had already washed his hands and put an apron on. " Hey, Jimin."


"What do you want me to make for you?"

"Could you make fish for me? Make it as delicious as possible!"

Jin hums. " That's an easy one. Any kind of fish you prefer?"

"No," Jimin shakes his head. " I eat it as long as it looks presentable, smells good, and looks delicious."

"The first and the last one are basically the same thing Jimin."

Jimin crosses his arms. " And what about it?"

"Nothing, nothing."

After that, Jin gets to work on cooking the fish. He picks the most delicious fish they have and starts to clean it. Then, he goes and dresses it. Jin made sure everything he did to the fish would make it taste good.

Minutes passed and Jimin still hadn't gotten his cup of water from Jin, so he decided to get it himself. "Jin, where can I get a cup and water?"

Jin looks up from the fish. " Cups are in the upper right cabinet and water is located inside the fridge in those glass bottles."

Jimin got the items and sat back on top of the counter with his glass of water. His sweater was a bit too big for him, so he ended up drinking his water with sweater paws.

Jin finally finished cooking the fish, and the smell had wafted into the air. It made Jimin even hungrier for the dish.

"Tada! Here is your savory fish dish. I bet you it's better than whatever Yoongi cooks you. Take a bite of it!"

Jimin took a fork and knife and cut into the fish. The smell on the outside was only a tiny fraction of the wonderous smell that was contained in the fish. This time, Jimin actually drooled smelling it.

"Jin, it smells amazing! How did you do it?"

Jin pushes up his glasses and smirks. "It's a secret. A chef never reveals his secrets."

"Wasn't it a magician though?"

"Shhh let me have my fun."

Jimin took a piece of the flesh of the fish and was about to eat it. That is until Yoongi had burst open the doors and said, "What the heck, Jimin?"
Jin left the table with his empty cart, which left Yoongi and Jungkook to eat in silence. Jimin had left to use the bathroom and was taking his sweet time in there.

As Yoongi ate, he thought about Jimin's reaction to the news. In Yoongi's opinion, Jimin was kind of dramatic, but at the same time it wasn't. Jimin had left and was composed about it. He even said excuse me to Jin to pass by him.

The more Yoongi thought about it, the less dramatic Jimin's exit was. If Yoongi had put himself in Jimin's shoes, he guessed that he would act like that but a bit worse. Where was Jimin right now? Why was he taking so long?

It had been 10 minutes since Jimin left to use the bathroom. Maybe he needed more time to compose himself. Yoongi decided to wait 5 more minutes before going off to find him.

Five minutes pass and he still wasn't back at the table. Yoongi put down his chopsticks and stood up from his seat. Jungkook looked up from his food, wondering why his hyung was standing up.

"Yoongi hyung, why are you standing up? You haven't finished your food yet."

"I'm going to go look for Jimin. It's been 15 minutes, where is the boy?"

Jungkook shrugs. "Maybe he is pooping or something, I don't know."

"Maybe, I'm going to check anyways. Be right back."

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