Chapter 15

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Yoongi looked all over the restaurant, in the bathroom, the waiting room, and even tried looking in some of the other private eating areas.

He was about to go back to Jungkook and have him help find Jimin, but Yoongi remembered that Jungkook was still eating. Defeated, Yoongi goes back to his table, but as he is walking, he sees a sign that says employees only.

Remembering that Jin is an employee, Yoongi sets off to find Jin. He remembered Jin said he would be in the kitchen so he checked there.

As he got closer to the kitchen, he could hear the chefs bustling around in there. Among them, he could hear a windshield laugh coming from inside. Yoongi assumed it was Jin and burst open the doors.

Once he had done that, he quickly scanned the room and found Jin and Jimin in a less populated area. Wait, Jimin was with Jin? Yoongi's temper rose and he let out a yell.

"What the heck, Jimin?"
Jimin and Jin look at Yoongi, both shocked that he yelled, especially when there are other people in the kitchen.

"Hey hey, let's not yell here okay?" Jin says, going over to Yoongi and raising his hands. "There are other people trying to get food out to customers."

Yoongi started to fume. His anger started growing. He almost represented a boiling kettle, waiting to explode.

"Yell? Haha, did I yell? Sorry, I guess. Maybe I wouldn't have if Jimin didn't go to the kitchen and went back to the table after using the bathroom."

Jin was about to start arguing with Yoongi,but Jimin stopped him. " Don't, Jin hyung. It's not that worth it. He'll just keep raising his voice higher and higher."

Yoongi rolled his eyes. " Maybe I wouldn't if you came back to the table. Then I would probably not get as angry as I am right now."

"Do you even know what happened to Jimin though? Did you even bother to check up on him?" Jin butted in, wanting to really see if Yoongi cared.

"No, but-"

"Exactly. You just sat there and ate your food. You didn't get up and follow him to the bathroom..."

Jin continued to keep scolding Yoongi, telling him that he should care a bit more about Jimin. He told him about what happened to Jimin. As he kept talking, Yoongi looked more concerned and Jimin got off of the counter and tried hiding behind Jin's large frame.

After Jin finished talking, Yoongi looked past him and into Jimin's eyes which were peeking out from the older's back. "Why didn't you tell me? You could have called me or something."

Jimin shook his head. "Didn't have a phone so I couldn't have called you."

Yoongi facepalms. "That's right, ugh. I should've gotten you a phone whenever we went shopping. We should get going soon."

"Okay, but what about my cooked fish?" Jimin said, turning to Jin.

"Don't worry about it," Jin smiled. "I can just pack it into a to-go box for you, free of charge of course" He winked at the end.

Yoongi gently took Jimin's hand. " Bring it to the table okay? Take a few more to-go boxes too, Jin hyung."

Jin let out a laugh. "Will do! It'll take me a few minutes. I'll see you guys then!"

Yoongi lead Jimin out of the kitchen. Jimin was quiet for the most part. He felt a bit vulnerable to Yoongi, especially after Jin had told him what happened in the bathroom.

They arrived at the table, and Jungkook had already finished his meal. " What took you guys so long?"

The duo sat down in their seats. "You don't wanna know,"They said in unison.
A few minutes later, Jin had brought Jimin's to-go box and extra ones too. They packed the leftover food into the boxes, payed, then left the restaurant.

Once in the car, Yoongi drove to his shop to check up on things while the other two stayed in the car. The moment Yoongi left them there, Jungkook whipped out his phone and started to text someone.

Jimin was genuinely curious as to who he was texting to this whole time. "Jungkook, who are you texting?"

The said boy looked up from his phone. "I'm texting this new guy I met at the Gucci store. He's really nice! We're going to the movies tomorrow."

Jimin processed what he said before giving the younger boy a smirk. "Perhaps, a date?"

Jungkook blushed furiously. "N-no what makes y-you think that?"

Jimin's smirk grew larger. "Hmm, maybe the fact that you just said you would go to the movies together tomorrow? Or the fact that you've been texting him all day."

"Well, I don't know if he likes me or not."

"You should ask him tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll do that."

Fifteen minutes pass and Yoongi goes back into the car. "I'm done with checking the store. Everything is good there. Now time to drive Jungkook home."

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