"Jeez, I need to talk to the chairman and get me a room upgrade." Seth's voice rang out making me smile, our heads turning toward the voice. "This is rad! Looks like a tiny house bro."

"More like an apartment." Kaiser chuckled, walking over to shake his hand. "You here for these heathens?"

"Yes, yes indeed I am." He smiled brightly looking toward Kelly and myself. "Ladies, your escort has arrived."

"My, how lucky are we?" Kelly replied with a smirk, picking up her purse.

"Yes, in fact you are quite lucky cause I have it on good authority that I'm awesome." Seth lightly nudged her as she walked past him to Corey. "Ready Cinderella?"

"Oh, I guess." I sighed, grabbing my purse, checking to make sure my cell phone was inside.

"Be careful with my girl." Kaiser smiled as I looked up at him.

"Wouldn't dream of putting her in danger my man." Seth replied as he walked over, man hugging Corey and talking lowly with he and Kelly.

"If Swayze wakes up-" I started but Kaiser cut me off by pressing his lips to mine.

"I'll take care of it. Now go have fun please? You deserve it baby."

"Okay." I smiled and sighed. "I'll see you later. Thank you."

I left his arms, walking over toward a waiting Kelly and Seth, Corey had made his way back to the couch, saying a goodbye. I smiled as I accepted Seth's arm once we were out into the hallway. We all made small talk about what we had done while being in Philly so far as we made our way into the elevator and down to the first floor. Once the elevator doors opened, Seth escorted us out of the front and into a waiting car.

"So where are we going?" I asked as I was sandwiched between two of my best friends.

"I believe it's like a small sports bar. Serves drinks and food." Seth replied as he typed a message into his phone.

"And who all is going to be there?" I asked, watching as the city passed by.

"Wy, you'll see." Kelly gave my hand a squeeze. "Let your hair down for once, okay Mom?" I chuckled and elbowed her.

"So, Seth, you got a girlfriend yet?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yes, I have a chick." He smiled brightly.

"A chick?" I made a face.

"You'll love her trust me." He patted my thigh and looked out the window as the car came to a stop outside a small bar, people everywhere.

Seth paid the driver and stepped out, helping both of us ladies out of the car. He shook hands with fans that noticed him as he lead us inside, holding the door open for us. My eyes looked around, a small smile playing on my lips. We loved little places like this back in the day. Just little hole in the wall pubs with down to earth people.

"YO!" a voice called, my head turning to a round table towards the back that was filled with people. My heart picked up it's pace, tears filled my eyes and a huge smile broke out as I saw all my old friends in one place.

"Oh my goodness!" I looked at Seth then Kelly before taking off toward the group, hearing their laughter behind me.

"Wynonna!" Renee screamed as I collided with her first, hugging her tightly.

"Renee! Your still so beautiful." I chuckled, stepping back to look at my blonde friend. "Oh my god I love those pants!" I caught sight of her tight leather pants.

...To Begin Again {Roman Reigns}Where stories live. Discover now