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I shift uncomfortably from one foot to the other, then clumsily jerk my entirety towards the science building suddenly regaining my mental equilibrium.

"So how long have you been going USC?" he asks and I kid you not, I trip on a pebble. A freaking pebble. Maybe one-quarter inch in diameter, if I'm being generous. But my reflexes are good enough that I'm able to avoid hugging the sidewalk. That's what years of dodging punches'll get you. Regardless, my aforementioned mental equilibrium has now gone out the window.

"Uh, I'm a freshman. You?" to which he replies with "Sophomore. But I opted out of all that stupid fraternity shit. I went to one meeting where they told me to take care of a live chicken for a week. Needless to say I never went to another meeting." And I laugh.

I haven't laughed in so long that I forgot what my own laugh sounded like, let alone felt like. I've gotten more used to what crying feels like lately and if you would've asked me 10 minutes ago if I missed laughing I would've said "No." because I'd forgotten how good it felt. I was too caught up in my unhappiness that I forgot that happiness is a possibility too. But laughing sure feels a hell of a lot better than crying.

"You missed out - could've had fresh eggs for breakfast for an entire week if you took them up on that fantastic once-in-a-lifetime offer." I say sarcastically, and he chuckles.

Despite our slow paced walk we reach the science building sooner than I would've liked and I stop and shift from foot to foot awkwardly once again. I really need to break that habit.

In the back of my mind I acknowledge that I like him, more than I like most people. Especially because I dislike most people. So the fact that I like him instead of disliking him speaks volumes. But I keep the fact that I like being around him and talking with him in the back of my mind for now. I barely met the guy for Christ's sake.

"Okay, well this is me." he says, pointing to a door with the number 55 painted on it. "Okay." I say and start to stumble away, walking backwards. "Hey, thanks for walking me." he shouts as I turn away from him. "Sure." I mumble as I stalk away.

So much for that, I think to myself. Another chance to make a friend blown, just as I have done countless times before.


The next morning I eagerly burst into my British Literature class. The only class this semester that I really enjoy at all.

Despite his protests, I managed to convince Ashton to take it with me. I met Ashton during our freshman year of high school. We've been best friends ever since and I've always believed that even if we hadn't have chosen to attend the same college, we still would've talked on a regular basis. He moved here from Australia when he was 13 after his parents separated and his mom got a job transfer that landed them in California.

He's the only friend I have left and he knows more about me than anyone else on earth, just as I do him.

"Well, hello there." Ashton smiles at me as I plop into my seat.

"Hi." I say and clench my jaw. I'm really not in the mood for talking, but he keeps staring at me and when I finally meet his eyes he squints them suspiciously at me.

"What's your problem this morning? You're not your usual chipper self." he says sarcastically. I'm never chipper. Calum's my problem.

"I, uh, met this guy yesterday. He asked me where his class was and I showed him where it was. Nothing came of it. I wish something had though." I admit.

Ashton smirks over at me "You know what you need? A party." and I groan in response. Parties are always his solution, and I'll admit that they are oftentimes mine too but today I just want to sulk in solitude.

His eyes are pleading, burning holes into me so I finally give in and agree to go.

A/N: Sorry it's short! I already have the next chapter written so I'll be uploading it really soon but this seemed like a good place to end this chapter. Comment and vote, please! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated.

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