Chapter 10: Hosu Crisis

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"Ok then, keep one for all going throughout your whole body" gran torino said.

"Now, what will you do?" midoriya asked
gran torino looks at you as you nod and held a timer.

"Now (y/n) will start the time at three minutes"
"Try getting a hit on me in that time!"

Gran torino starts jumping everywhere and attacks midoriya.
Midoriya starts to prepare himself but didn't have enough time to react in gran torino's attack.

As midoriya was getting tackled, he starts to crawl under the sofa.

"Come on!"
This only made you giggle at his action.
"Don't be stupid! I can see you!"

Soon the couch flew in the air hitting your dad.
"You got me..."
"One for all...full crowling!"

As midoriya was about to touch your dad, he dodges it and attack midoriya making him slam on the wall.

You look at the time "alright you two, that's three minutes"
"Damn's hard to keep it going. I still got a long way to go..."
"No, from what I saw you were able to attack my dad when he was unguarded through prediction, very bold of you huh?"
You said as you roughly rub midoriya's head. He could only blush from your attempt.

"You think about a lot of stuff normally, don't you, kid?" You dad says.
You saw a scratch on his face. You smirk, that's a first.

"You made me dodge seriously for the first time in a while. Alright now your getting use to it, so lets keep going!"
"Yes, sir! Please"

"Hey before you know it, once you get use to one for all, how about we practice battling each other okay midoriya!" you said excitedly

Your words only made him nervous. He knew how you'd get when you use your quirk.

"U-uhm n-no...t-thank you...."
"Hm? Why not?"
"W-well you see...m-miss (y/n)-"
"Are you afraid of being defeated by my daughter kid"

This caused you to laugh.
"don't worry midoriya I won't kill you or anything, but hey hopefully you'll give me that chance to, so promise me okay?"
"Of course!"

"Now, we haven't had breakfast yet." your dad says
"So go heat up the taiyaki again..."

"They fell!"
"I-I'll go buy more!"

And with that midoriya ran to buy some more. You sigh As you ran your hand through your hair.

"I swear that boy is something" your dad says
"Can you blame him? I mean he has a willful heart"
"He has a big admiration in toshinori, but that kid's not bad"

You smile "You know, yagi always wonders how your doing most of the time. He wanted me to ask you if your proud of him"
Your dad scoffs and smiles.

"He told you to tell me that? Geez he never quits does he. How about you tell him when am I gonna get grandchildren"
You blush "t-that sounds like a topic for next time!"
"Hey I'm not getting any younger here so might as well know when in gonna get some"
"Okay, enough I'll ask later!"
Speaking of asking, I think I'll give him a call, see how he's doing.

"Sorry to intrude so suddenly, all might"
"It's all right, tsukaichi. Well, what did you find out?"

As tsukaichi starts to explain everything about the usj incident and about the nomus' identity, he starts to mention all for ones.

"It's very likely there is someone with a quirk that can give others quirks"
"Don't tell me...!"

"That's why I thought I'd let you know"
"...Has that man...started to move again...?"
As soon as tsukaichi was about to talk, yagi's phone rang out of random.

He takes his phone and see that you were calling.
"Could you excuse me" yagi says
"Of course"

Yagi picks up the phone.
"Hey babe! Man how I've missed you"
"Hey honey, how's it been at your dad's"

"Its going great yeah, midoriya has been improving in one for all and my dad and I have been getting closer than ever!"
"That's good..."

"Hey what's wrong?"
You heard his voice that didn't feel right.
"Huh, oh it's nothing baby doll"
"You know I could sense your change of tone so there's something wrong"

He sighs.
"Alright...I don't want to say this but...all for one, might be moving again"
"I know and I'm not sure what's gonna happen now that he's back"
"I'm coming back right now and will talk about this at home!"

"N-no please that's not necessary. We just won't know when he'll strike so lets not get paranoid and enjoy your stay over there okay"

"You know I worry about you yagi...I can't bare to see you lose another limb"
He hears your as it cracks.
"Hey, hey, no tears okay. I'll be fine, I love you so much"
" you too"

"I miss holding you in my arms"
You start to smile as you knew where you wanted this to head over the phone.

"What else do you miss about me?"
"I miss the touch of your hair, your soft lips and skin...the way you say my name"
"Hmmm when I get back I'll give you a something special, all wrapped up"

Yagi starts to get red and realises what you meant as he imagined it.
"C-can't wait to see"

"Oh by the way my dad was wondering know...when we're gonna have kids"
"Are you serious?!"
"Hey that's what he said not me!"

Yagi rubs the back of his head and sighs.
"I don't know. To be honest I never really thought about it"
"Me neither..."

"I you wanna have some, one day"
"I don't know...maybe?"

It was day three on the internship and midoriya was training again with gran torino.

Midoriya was still getting beat up.
"Alright lets stop. Of you keep on fighting against my tactics, you'll fall into some weird habits"

"Please let me fight more!"
"No, that's enough"
You giggled at his request. I mean he he doesn't want to stop, like a person addicted to drugs? Hm that's a weird way to put it.

"Change into your costume. We're moving to phase 2"
"Phase 2?" you said.

"In other words--lets go fight some villains!"
"What? All of a sudden?!"
"Dad...I don't think, that's right?"

"Of course it is. The next phase is to let you experience different types and situations"

You put your head down in defeat.
"What you said there was all too good to be true" you said.
"But I need some time to prepare..."

"We're not gonna come across anything too big, don't worry" your dad says

"Well while you two enjoy yourselves, I'll be at home keeping it secured" you said, as you start to walk back your dad stops you.

"Hold it missy, your coming with"
"Huh?! I don't even have a pro hero license yet!"
"It doesn't matter, this will also be a learning ability for you too. You experienced fighting a villain, but you lack on how to deal with them"
You sigh and has no choice but to tag along.

You three take a bullet train to hosu city. It was dark so you three will basically make it there at the time.

As everything was nice and quiet, the train was damaged all of a sudden. It was a nomu that came out of no where.

"Kid, stand back!" gran torino says as he starts to kick the nomu back and out of the train.
"Gran torino!"

As you both look out, you both see that there was a huge fire out on the city.
"What's going on?!" midoriya said
"Damn, Let's go midoriya!" you grab his hand as you both for out of the train and started running towards the problem.

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