Chapter 3: League of villains

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You were in the bus with all of class 1-a to u.s.j, and you couldn't wait to see what these kids will be capable of when dealing situations of helping and rescuing people. When you all arrived you met up with pro hero thirteen.
"Hello everyone I'm pro thirteen and I am here to give you guide lines on how to deal with civilian situations" they said. Everyone stared in awe and was excited to see what the inside of u.s.j looked like.
"Uraraka isn't thirteen one of your favorite heroes?" midoriya asked
"Oh yeah thirteen is pretty good knowing that they're a space hero".
"Please everyone make their way inside and I'll show you the obstacles" thirteen said. Once going inside you noticed a lot of environments that covered everything in u.s.j. There is a giant boat in an lake, rocky environment to the other side and other multiple domes.

"Wow this place is amazing" you said
"Shipwreck, landslide, a fire, a windstorm, et cetera-- so it's a training ground that I made with different types of accidents and disasters. Unforeseen simulation joint, short for u.s.j!"
Everyone just looked at thirteen dumbfounded. "Thirteen, where is all might he was suppose to be here" aizawa said
"Hey how come he got to come and I couldn't!" you said
"You weren't required for this but you came along anyways".
You pout and look away, thirteen only laughed
"It looks like he did too much hero work on his way and ran out of time so he's resting in his lounge".

Sounds like him "well it can't be helped. Shall we begin?". As they were about to begin thirteen was explaining there quirk. What caught your attention was thirteen saying how quirks can kill easily.
"There are many quirks that can easily kill with one wrong step".
With no idea why you felt a shiver down your spine when hearing that, be calm everything is alright.
"I think you experienced the danger of using those powers against others, but with that said you shall learn how to use your quirks to save people's lives and hope you understand that you have quirks that have the power to help others". Hearing that made your spirits got picked up a bit more.

Everyone cheered at thirteen's presentation. "Well now then lets get started-" aizawa being cut off by the lights dimming down as the fountain soon turned into a purplish black vortex. "What is that?" you whispered as aizawa quickly turns around and looks at the scene.
"Gather everyone and don't move! Thirteen, (y/n) protect the students!"
You started to freak out a bit inside yourself because it's been a long time since you ever faced a villain before.
"Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson already started?" kirishima said.
"Kids don't move!" you said, as aizawa puts on his goggles.
"Those are villains" he says, making all the students surprised. As they all see lots of villains coming out of the vortex.
"Thirteen and eraserhead huh" the blue hair man said. He had many hands all over his body.
"They said that all might was also suppose to be here" the vortex said as it changed into an almost well formed body. What do they want from him!?
"Where is he, I went through all this trouble bringing everyone here...all might...the symbol of peace"
You grit your teeth and felt a bit nervous but mad. "I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids".

The blue haired man sees you from a distance "or maybe...his wife...perfect". Aizawa prepares to fight, while thirteen was guarding the kids. You had to do the same but didn't feel that you were capable of doing anything, at least you thought. But turning your head you see midoriya shake in fear looking at the villains, he looked more scared than you.
"Thirteen start the evacuation and try calling the school" aizawa said
"What about you sensei will you fight them all by yourself!?" midoriya said.
"Aizawa I'll help you!"you butted in
"I need you to evacuate the kids with thirteen so I'm leaving it to you two" you didn't like the idea for that but you felt like you had no choice. Aizawa jumps in and attacks the villains that all seemed to be close combat.
"I see. I hate pro heroes. The masses don't stand a chance against them...but I do like to see what kind of quirk all might's wife has to offer".
All the kids start heading towards the exit until a vortex blocked our path.
"Nice to meet you. We are the league of villains. Sorry to intrude be we have invited ourselves in. In order to have all might, the symbol of peace take his last breathe"
Anger got the best of you "your gonna have to go through me first!"

𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 | (All Might x wife! reader)Where stories live. Discover now