Chapter 8: Agency/Family Relations

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Hello everyone just letting you know this chapter is going to make a huge time skip to where the festival is now over and you should all know who won obviously. Plus this is an all might x reader so I want to get more moments of that in the story so I don't have to waste time putting boring things that aren't really necessary to put in. I'm still gonna go along with the story as it is on the anime, but I'll also try my best putting you and all might moments. Have a wonderful day/night.

"Morning" aizawa says as he opens the door to the classroom.
"Good morning!"
"As you all must know, we're having a special hero informatics class today."
"Special"? Is it a quiz? I hope not..."
The class was silent waiting for an answer.

"Code names. You'll be coming up with hero names"
"We're gonna do something exciting!" the whole class said.
Aizawa uses his quirk to make the whole class shut up.
"Students have gained experience to these kinds of things, and can become immediate assets to the pro's. This means extending offers to first years like you shows that their interested in your future potential"

"So well have to prove ourselves once we get picked huh?"
"That's right"

In the staff room you were just walking around all jolly like you usually do sometimes when all of a sudden you came across cementos.

"Oh hey cementos"
"Hello (y/n)...oh? Offers for first years are still coming, there's one more"
"Who's it for?"
Yagi shows up out of no where. You hug him just cause you were just being affectionate today. No surprise to him.

Yagi and you come closer to the computer. Yagi takes a very close look to see if his eyes weren't deceiving him, there not. You on the other hand was surprised by who wanted midoriya.
"This person is...!"

Later in the afternoon.
"Deku, lets go home together."
"Iida, you too"
Iida's seat was empty.
"He probably decided on where he wants to do his internship"
Midoriya then slides the classroom door open as all might immediately comes out of nowhere and you who's just walking casually to him and sweat dropped at all might's barge.

"I am here! In a bizarre position!"
"H-hello midoriya" you wave to him awkwardly.
"A-all might, miss (y/n) w-what's the matter? Why are you two-erm you in a hurry"
"Come with us for a moment" all might waves his hand in gesture for midoriya.

At the halls midoriya was standing in front of you and all might.
"Getting straight to the point, you've got an offer from a hero!"
"Huh? What? Really?!"
"Yeah. The hero's name is Gran Torino" you said with a smile.
All might turns around with nervous written all over his face.
"He was a teacher at u.a for only one year, the man who was our homeroom teacher"
"And he is also a father to yours truly"
You pointed at yourself proudly.

Midoriya smiled brightly about the news.
"Gran Torino is your dad?!"
You nod.
"He knows about one for all, too. In fact, he probably asked for you because of that"
"Someone that amazing is...?! Wait, there was someone else who knew about the quirk?"
"Gran Torino was the sworn friend of my predecessor. He retired a long time ago, so I forgot to count him... And so did (y/n)"

You looked away feeling a bit sad.
"Well I never truly given thought about...wanting to see him again"
"Why not?" midoriya asked
"Well I just thought he would be upset I wasn't a pro or maybe ruin his reputation for having a child that has a demon like quirk I guess, but I'm ready to see him you know! Plus I'm going to get my pro hero license soon!"

Midoriya smiled at you for having really great confidants. It wasn't long till you both saw all might shaking.
"Was it because I wrote of you when I sent him the letter? Or because he couldn't just stand by and watch my inadequate teaching...? Maybe because he regretted giving his blessing to me when I was going to marry (y/n). If he went so far as to use his old name to make an's scary...too scary...stop trembling, leg!"

He smacks his legs to stop while you rolled your eyes from his stupidity as midoriya stares at him in concern.
"All might's seriously shaking!"
"Will you stop, every time I mention my dad you get scared he's not that bad"
"E-easy for you to say!" all might kept trembling.

"A-anyway, it's my duty to train you, but since you got an offer, you should go work to your heart's c-content-t-t-t..."
"Miss (y/n) just how scary is this guy?!" midoriya asked
You walked up to all might and grabbed the slip.
"Give me that! You baby"
You turn and smiled at midoriya as you have him the paper.
"Look midoriya, don't be afraid when you see my dad okay. He's tough yeah but you'll learn a lot"
He nods with confidants.
"Oh that reminds me I'm going to see him to so mind if I join you going over there?"
"Oh uh sure"
"Good I'll pack up some things. We'll will be going...come on you big meat man you"
You pick up all might as he's in a fetal position while he was still trembling. Midoriya was amazed by your super strength considering you looked like someone who shouldn't be lifting anything really heavy at all.

The next day midoriya and you found gran torino's home. It was run down and you were surprised by the conditions and how he can still live in it.
Midoriya saw you looking a little nervous.
"Miss (y/n) are you okay"
"Hm? Oh yeah, come on open the door"

Midoriya opens the door as you and him peek inside if anyone was around.
"Hello, I'm here from u.a high. My name is izuku midoriya...nice to meet yo-"
He was cut off by your scream.
Midoriya quickly looked and saw an old man laying on the floor with blood.
He starts to scream with you.
"HE'S DEAD" you both said.

You drop to the floor and started crying.
"I didn't e-even say thank you f-for being a good p-papa" you wheezed.
But then.
"I'm alive!"
The room was silent for awhile as the two looked dumbfounded for a good moment.
"HE'S ALIVE...thank goodness" you both said.
"Man when I was carrying a string of sausages with ketchup poured over them, I fell!" gran torino says as he was trembling cause he's old.

You sigh and went up to your old man and held him still.
"Don't do that dammit you scared me half to death!" you said
Gran torino looked at you for a while
"Who are you?"
"I'm your daughter...(y/n)"
"Ah (y/n)! Look at you all grown up do you still uh what you call it wet the bed?"
You only sigh. Midoriya stand awkwardly until gran torino puts his attention on him.

"Who are you?"
"Ah I'm izuku midoriya from u.a!"
Gran torino puts his hand next to his ear.
"I'm izuku midoriya!"
"...Who are you?"
"Dad this is the boy you wanted to train"

Gran torino only slide on the floor on his butt.
"I wanna eat something"
"Hm? (y/n) have you always been married to toshinori like that"
"No, that's not me!"
He only stares at midoriya dumbfounded as you only stay in silence.
"Ah excuse me, I'm going to make a phone call..."

While midoriya went outside your dad started rummaging through midoriya's things.
"Ah! What're you doing?!"
"Fire off a one for all at me"
Welp here we go
"I wanna know how well you can handle it"
"...Who are you"
"I-it's no good!"

You only laugh and sit down on the couch.
You technically just came to visit your dad and wanted to catch up with him. But you guess you won't have that much time with him anyways like always.

"I need to hurry and become able to handle my power. Because all might doesn't have any time left. I can't waste time messing around with you sir. Please excuse me"

You never really had anyone say that to your dad, not even you.
"In that case..."

Gran torino breathes in and starts jumping everywhere with his crazy speed. You haven't seen him do that for quite awhile.
"In that case, there's even more reason to fire one off! You zygote!" He started to get more serious.
Ah there's the dad I know and love. Always a man of insults.

𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐮𝐥 𝐃𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐧 | (All Might x wife! reader)Where stories live. Discover now