"Sir please stop moving you are making it worse" She said.

"Wheres Ashton, is he alright?" I asked not calming down even though my body begged me to.

"The guy that was with you, Ashton. He's already in the ambulance. We need to get you there too, your hurt." She said.

"Okay." I tried to nod. But it hurt to bad. I started to go off.

"Hey try to not fall asleep." I heard her say right before everything went black.


I woke up to beeping all around me. I looked around groggily. Trying to figure out where I was. A hospital, what was I doing in a hospital. Then everything came back to me. The screams, the blood, Ashton his chest not rising or falling. my head. I sat up and tried to stand, I had to find Ashton. I was brought up short by the IV in my arm. I sat back down on the bed thoughts running through my mind a thousand miles per hour. I was about to rip the IV out when a nurse walked in.

"You need to lay down!" She said rushing towards me to lay me down.

"No I need to find Ashton" I said.

"Who's Ashton?" She asked while checking everything. I let out a sob, if she didn't know who he was then maybe they never brought him in the hospital. That couldn't be it Ashton was alive. I knew it.

"The guy who came in here with me. Is he okay where is he." I asked.

"Oh, him, yes they have him stabilized, he had not woke up yet last I heard, he was hurt pretty badly."

She told me.

"Can I see him?" I asked.

"Sure." She said. "But you have to be in a wheel chair. You fractured your ankle, you'll be able to walk on it later, but for know I don't want you on it" She said.

"Okay." I nodded.

"I'll be right back with the chair."

She started to walk away. "Don't move to much" she said then walked out the door. I looked down at my right arm, it was in a blue cast that went past my elbow. I pulled the blankets off to look down at my legs. There was an ace bandage around my ankle and there was bruises everywhere. My head was throbbing and my face really hurt. I reached a hand up and touched my lip. My lip ring was gone and replaced by a scab. I moved my hand up to my forehead I had stitches. I also had stitches on my cheek. I could feel all the cuts and bruises on my back, my body was one giant bruise. if I was in this bad of shape I was really scared to see Ashton. The nurse came back in with the wheel chair. She helped me into it.

"Okay Hun, you can see him for a small amount of time, he has not woke up yet." She explained.

"Okay." I said. She stopped in front of a door. She walked in front of me opened it and wheeled me in. Ashton was laying on the hospital bed, he had blankets over his body, but I could see the bulge of his cast, he had broke his leg. His wrist was in a cast as well. He still had some glass in his hair, I'm sure I did too. She wheeled me in front of him so I could see him better.

"I'll be back in a bit" she said. I nodded and she left. I looked at Ashton's face, it was black and blue he had stitches in three places. On the side of his mouth, his cheek, and his temple. He was probably at least going to have a scar there, if not all the places he got stitches. I reached out my arm not in a cast and placed it on his hair. I tried to pick some of the glass out, after about the fifteenth piece I gave up. My eyes scanned over his face. He looked horrible. His eye lids fluttered then opened.

"Luke?" He questioned his eyes scanning the room. "Where are we?" His voice was groggy and he sounded confused.

"Were in a Hospital Ashton." I said quietly willing him to remember with out me telling him.

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