Ch. 29 Investigation

Start from the beginning

Yang: Oh um, well do you think that will be enough for him to try to tear the guy down, Ironwood is always like that, Otto isn't the first person in Atlas who's ideas were shot down and I doubt he will be the last.

Y/n: Well I ran some tests that on the arms, and in their current state they can cause personality changes and deteriorating sanity, so it is possible that might have happened to push him over the edge.

Yang: Well why don't you go and find out.

Y/n: Huh?

Yang: The Vytal Festifall is tomorrow and with Oscorp providing security, their main ship's security will be down to a skeleton crew, you can sneak in and see if Norman has any connection to the Goblin and Otto, you snuck in there once before when the place was heavily guarded, so it should be a piece of cake now.

Y/n: *Perks up* Yang your a genius!

He then leans forward and kisses her.

Y/n: *pulls away* Wait what about your fight.

Yang: It's fine what your doing is more important.

Y/n: No it's your fight I am going to be there, the investigation should take 30 minutes at most, so if I infiltrate the ship an hour before the festival starts I should make it just in time.

Yang: That could work, but if you can't make it, it is completely fine.

Y/n: I will be there no way am I going to miss my girlfriend kick some ass.

Yang: *smiles* Okay.

They then kiss again for a few minutes

Yang: Hey why don't we take the rest of the day off, get you to relax a bit.

Y/n: Id like that.

 1 hour till Vytal Festifall 

Y/n is on the outside of the Oscorp mothership in his suit holding his scroll which has is connected to the ships security mainframe.  He then presses a button and the cameras and the security systems are disabled for 50 minutes.

Y/n: Alright, time to see what secrets Norman is hiding.

Y/n enters the ship via an air vent Y/n knew that anything that would link Norman to Goblin would not be on the main server, so makes his to Norman's private quarters, where he has a research computer on his desk.  Y/n then jumps down, into his office.

Y/n: Okay now lets *looks around the room* wow this place is huge, *ahem* anyway.

He then goes and sits in Norman's chair and starts to access his computer, and plugs in a flash drive.

Y/n: Well with the alarms disabled hacking into this should be a breeze.  And I'm in.

He accesses the files and uses keyword Goblin, and Otto

Y/n: Okay, let's see Goblin first, *file revealed its contents*  wow there is a lot here. The Glider, pumpkin bombs, the suit, and a written memo. *clicks on the memo*

Y/n: *reads the memo*  It's getting worse, my curse is getting harder to keep under control. Every time I let the Goblin out he gains more powerful, I wish I could just bury him, but he is needed to carry out my plan it will not work without him.  I just need to keep him under control until all is made right. -Norman Osborn

Y/n: Oh it looks like Goblin is Normans dark half, that he is reluctant to let out, but he is doing so because he needs him for his plan. plan for what.  I am taking all of this *copies Goblin file*

Y/n: Now lets open Ottos file. *opens file* nothing out of the ordinary here just...wait. *clicks on project Null folder*

Y/n: Project Null, is a chemical compound that is similar to the gas Norman has to dampen one's aura, but it says that is similar but different.  For starters the effects are far more serious, one injection can dampen a persons semblance, for a long period of time or lock it away permanently, and but they only have enough for one dosage. Damn if they found a way to mass produce it the consequences could be dangerous. 

*clicks on PNE folder.*

Y/n: Project P-3-N-3 a human gyroid designed to look like a little girl? This must be what Otto was working that got him kicked out of Atlas. *looks through files* too bad its some high tech stuff but...huh, Project Status: Complete? That can't be right Otto was kicked out before he can  Oh No, they didn't throw out his plans at all they just got rid of the middle man oh this is bad. *clicks on security footage file and a video starts to play*

Otto*video*: The plan will remain intact but I will expose Ironwood for the fraud that he is, and I would do it with our without you, and you need me Norman. You can't execute your plan without me, so I give you a choice we do it my way or not at all.

Norman*video*: Alright Otto, what exactly did you have in mind?

Otto*video*: I get to strike during the start of the Vytal Festifall and grab Ironwood and make him confess that he is good for nothing liar and thief before I kill him! And it would be the perfect place to test out the Null formula on one of the tournament participants in a show of power.

Norman*video*: Keep talking.

Y/n: During the Festival, *looks at the time* that's 15 minutes from now, I got to find Otto before anyone gets hurt! *web-zips up to the vent and makes his way out*

However what he didn't know was that there is a hidden camera in Norman's office, that has its own power grid, and Norman just saw Spider-Man access his files.

Norman: Ah Spider-Man you never cease to amaze me.  *picks up the phone and dials* Hello Otto you are going to have a visitor.

Next Chapter the Countdown ends.

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