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Maybe I shouldn't have run out again... It's in the middle of the night, cold and dark... Why did I have to run out again! Suddenly a shiver was sent down my spine. If only I weren't afraid of the dark.

"Hey miss, what are you doing here on your own?" "How about you come play with us?" Before I even realized two unfamiliar guys approached me. They were about my age, and pretty tall. Owh gosh, this too! Can tonight get any worse?

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested." I said firmly and tried to walk away, but one of the guys tightly grabbed my wrist, and pulled my back. "Hey now, we're still being polite, it would be rude to refuse don't you think?" The guy who grabbed me got closer and closer, while the other one just watched.

"Let go!" I tried to hit his face, but he stopped me, holding me even tighter. "Now you've done it!" He raised his hand to hit me. I closed my eyes, afraid of what was going to happen.
I awaited the slap, but nothing happened.

I opened my eyes to see another boy standing right behind me, stopping the bad guys. "Why don't you leave my girlfriend alone?" I looked up to see Minho behind me. Minho hit the guy in the face, and both of them ran away.

"Minho!" Tears fell down, and I hugged him tightly. "What are you doing here?" He put his hand on my shoulders and pulled me back a little. "You idiot! What were you thinking! What if I didn't show up? They would have hurt you!" I don't think I've ever seen him this angry before. His harsh words shocked me.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry!" I couldn't stop crying. His stern look turned into a soft smile as he hugged me tight again. "Didn't I tell you I would always protect you? You still have the ring don't you?" I nodded.

"Minho... About what just happened at your house..." I tried to tell him, but he stopped me. "It's okay. I know. You don't have to tell me. I know your heart belongs to him right now, but I will stay with you until your heart is focused on me."

I just looked at him. Why couldn't I just fall for him instead of Felix? He's been so sweet to me, since the first day I came here. I smiled. "Thank you Minho. Please wait for me." He smiled back. "I will. Now let's get you home!"

We walked home together in silent, not sure of what to say. Minho received a call from Hyunjin, but told him I was alright and hung up again. "How are things there?" I asked hesitantly.

"Felix went out for a walk, but he should be fine. Hyunjin went after him to make sure he won't do anything stupid." I looked down. "Sorry for all the trouble I caused..." He shook his head. "It's okay! We're here for you!"

Soon after that we got to my house. "I'll go inside. Thank you again Minho. For everything!" He smiled. "It's okay! But can I stay over at your house this morning? It probably to late now to go back..." How can I say no to those puppy dog eyes of his? "Sure! But what about your school uniform, and your books?" "I'll ask Hyunjin to stop by tomorrow morning!"

We went inside, and went upstairs. "Ehm, Minho...?" I suddenly realized something I should have realized a lot earlier. "What's wrong?" "I kind of forgot we don't have a guest room... I have a double bed though! We could... Sleep... together?"

I became quiet after thinking about what I just said. What am I thinking! He's a guy!!! "I don't mind, but are you really okay with it?" He looked at me concerned. "I-I don't mind! I'll be using the bathroom first! I'll get you an extra toothbrush.

I ran into my room to get my pyjama, and than ran into the bathroom. Owh gosh, my face is burning up! I quickly got changed and brushed my teeth. "It's your turn Minho!" I walked outside and went into my room. I lay down on one side of the bed, and Minho lay down in the other side not too long after that.

We were facing each other, and he looked me in the eyes. He let out a soft smile. "You must be tired, you should get some rest!" I nodded. "You too!" He kissed my forehead, and I closed my eyes. "Goodnight Minho." "Goodnight Yuna."

My alarm clock went off. Ugh, I hate that sound! I tried to turn around, but a heavy weight stopped me. I found myself in Minho's arms, as he was hugging me tight. "Minho, wake up" I said with a soft and sleepy voice. "Five more minutes..." He said with a low, raspy voice. He let me turn around to turn off the alarm, but wouldn't let me out of his grip.

"Yuna, are you in there?" I heard Ruby's voice, and she slowly opened the door. She just looked at me, than at Minho and so on. "I'm sorry for disturbing you!" She ran out, and I ran after her after Minho let me go. "RUBYYYYY! It's not what it looks like!!!" She just looked at me with disbelief.

Minho sneaker up behind me and hugged me. "It's not?" He asked with the biggest smirk on his face. I turned around and hit his chest. "It's not!!! Don't give Ruby the wrong idea!!!" Ruby couldn't stop laughing, when the doorbell rang. "Who on earth could that be!" "That's probably Hyunjin to bring my clothes."

Somehow we all walked up to the door, and Minho opened it. It was indeed Hyunjin, but Chan was behind him as well. "Chan? What are you doing here?" I asked. "I'm here for your sister!" Hyunjin also spoke up. "He kept bothering me if he could tag along!" We all just laughed, but I could see Ruby blushing.

In a split second I pushed Ruby outside into Chan's arms, pulled Hyunjin inside and closed the door. "Let's leave those two lovebirds alone!" You could hear Ruby bang on the door for a little while, but she calmed down. I quickly glanced through the window and saw Chan give Ruby his coat. "succes!"

Hyunjin walked up to me, and whispered in my ear. "did he do anything to you? Are you okay?" I whispered back. "I'm fine, he didn't do anything!" Minho just looked at us questioning. "Ah Hyunjin!" Minho started. "Did you bring my stuff?" "Yeah, here." Hyunjin tossed his clothes and backpack, and Minho went upstairs.

"Yuna, can I talk to you for a second?" Hyunjin sat on the couch, and patted it to make me sit down as well. "Sure, what's up?" I sat down. "It's about Minho... I know you're probably still heartbroken because of Felix, but I'm worried that Minho would try to take advantage of that."

"Take advantage of that..? What do you mean?" What is he talking about? Hyunjin looked at me with a concerned look. "What I'm saying is that he knows you're heartbroken, and he might try to comfort you a lot, and that he might do something to you. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, all I'm saying is that you should be careful."

"Thank you for your concern Hyunjin, but I'll be fine! I've decided not to date anyone for a while... You see, I've been hurt a lot when it comes to love, so I thought I should just take a break to figure out what I want. But of course, I can't stop my own feelings."

I faintly smiled. Thinking back about my love life is rather difficult, but I have to get stronger. Hyunjin pat my head. "If you say so, I'll support you, but you know you can always talk to me about it." I nodded. "Thank you!"

Minho entered the room. "It's your turn Yuna! We'll wait here. Is there anything to eat?" I quickly went to the kitchen and made them some breakfast, than went upstairs. I let myself fall on the bed... What a night!

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