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Since it was our day off, I decided to go shopping, and treat myself for the day. Since Ruby had to go to work, I just went alone. I bought a new dress, and some low heels. Gotta dress to impress right!

I decided to just wear the dress and shoes right after buying, I love them so much! I plugged in my earbuds, and put hellevator on. I suddenly felt my phone buzz, and checked what it was. A message from Minho!

"Yuna, can you come over? Jeongin keeps bothering me saying that he wants to see you because you are so cute."

"First off all, tell him I'm not cute! And where are you? I'm on my way!"

"We're at our studio, and I can't tell him that."

"Why not?"

"I can't lie now can I?"

Playboy!! I put my phone in my bag, and started walking towards their studio. My feet started to hurt. Maybe I shouldn't have worn those heals already. As stubborn as I am, I decided to keep them on. It'll get better. Or at least, I hope!

When I arrived, I didn't even have to knock on the door or Jeongin ran towards me with his arms wide open. "Hi Jeongin!" "Hi Yuna!" He smiled, and we went inside. I couldn't walk normally anymore because my feet hurt so much. So I sat down on the first chair I could find.

Minho also spotted me, and walked up to me. "Is everything okay?" I nodded. "Yeah, my feet just really hurt. I just bought these shoes." "Let me have a look." He sat down in one leg, and put my foot on the other. He gently took off my shoe, and my foot was covered in blisters. "Hyunjin!" Minho said. Hyunjin walked towards us. "What's up?" "Can you get some band aids for Yuna, she was being clumsy again and decided it was a good idea to walk on her new heels." Hyunjin looked at me, shook his head and then went to find the band aids.

"By the way, why didn't you guys tell me you had to leave early? I couldn't even say goodbye this morning..." I pouted a little, and looked sad. "Sorry Yuna... When I came downstairs this morning, I found you and Felix asleep on the couch. I didn't want to wake you up, so I put you back to bed, although it really was difficult separating you from Felix! He just wouldn't let go of you!" Minho and I both laughed, and you could see Felix glare at him from the other side of the room.

Hyunjin came back, and tosses some band aids. "Be careful next time!" He looked at me with a stern face. "Yes DAAAD!" I'm not a little child anymore! "Owh now you've done it, you better start running before I catch you!" He started walking towards me, and I tried to get up, but the pain put me back in the chair.

"Minho, save me!!!" I screamed, suddenly really scared of Hyunjin. Minho threw me over his shoulder, and started running outside, with Hyunjin right behind us. After a while, Minho must have gotten tired, because he slowed down. Hyunjin caught up to us, but was apparently too tired to be mad at me.

Once we were back inside, everyone just looked at us questioning what on earth we were doing. "Say, Minho?" "Yeah?" "You can put me down now!" I looked up to his face, and saw him in doubt. "Minho! Put me doooown!" "What do I get for it?" "So mean! Fine, what do you want?" "A date!"

A date? As in, a date date? Or a friend date? And why a date? With me?? Aaaahhh! Playboy! "A date?" "Yeah! You know, just getting ice cream together, walk around, oh, and maybe we could go to the amusement park!" Before I knew it, we were surrounded by all the other members. "If you guys are going, we're going as well!" Said Felix.

You could see Minho struggle to just find words. "Fine..." He put on a grumpy face, and put me down. "But I claim the seats next to Yuna!" "But I wanna sit next to Yuna too!" Whined Jeongin. So cute! "Hey what about me!" Felix joined in. They all started bickering, and suddenly Hyunjin wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"You guys can keep fighting like old hags, I'll just claim Yuna in the meantime!" He had a smirk on his face, and you could just see the other guys look indignantly. "But... Don't you guys have a photoshoot??" They all looked at each other in shock, and hurried back. They really are dorks!

...is what I just said, but HOW DO THEY LOOK SO COOL IN FRONT OF THE CAMERA. I think my heart just skipped a beat. It's not fair! I just couldn't take my eyes off of them. They all look so handsome! I really am a lucky girl.

Once the photoshoot was done, Jeongin ran up to me. "How did we do!" "You were amazing! You looked so handsome!" I smiled brightly. "Yuna! Why don't you take a photo with us too?" Felix asked. "Are you sure? I don't want to be in the way!" They all looked at me like I was an idiot, and I eventually walked over.

Even though my feet still hurt a lot, I really want to take a picture with them! I stood in the middle, but suddenly Hyunjin liften me on his shoulders. I let out a small scream, afraid I was going to fall. Minho and Felix both grabbed one hand, and the cameraman took the picture.

Hyunjin just continued to keep me on his shoulders, even though the photoshoot was over. "Where to, princess?" Aahh, why are they all such Playboys! "Why don't we all get some ice cream!" I looked over at the others, and they slowly nodded.

Luckily the ice cream shop wasn't too far away. Hyunjin put me down on a chair. "What do you want? It's my treat!" Minho immediately came up to Hyunjin. "Thanks for treating US ALL, Hyunjin! I'd like chocolate!" Hyunjin just stared really annoyed. If looks could kill, Minho'd be dead by now. Eventually Hyunjin did end up buying everyone ice cream, luckily enough including me. I happily ate it, but suddenly I could hear everyone laugh. "What's so funny?" I asked curiously. "Come here" Felix said.

I walked up to him, and he touched my nose. kind of confused, I took a step back. "What are you doing?" He just took a step closer. "You have ice cream on your nose! Now stand still so I can get it off!" I closed my eyes, and opened them again a few seconds later. "Is it gone?" "Yeah."

As we were walking home, Minho and I were walking a bit behind the rest, since my foot still hurt. "Say, Yuna..." Minho looked at me with those adorable puppy eyes of his. "Hmm?" I smiled at him. "About that date.... What do you think...? Not with the other members, but just the two of us "

A date... It would be my first date ever! I suddenly felt really nervous. "Sure!" I smiled at him, but then looked down. I don't think I've ever been this nervous before! I couldn't say no to him! But I don't even know how I feel... I felt his hand slowly touch mine, and our fingers intertwined. I looked at him, a bit in shock, and he smiled at me. "I'm looking forward to it!"

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