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A new day began. New day, new chances! I put on my uniform, some mascara, and woke up Ruby. While eating breakfast, and while walking to school, she told me all about her night.

After I left, Ruby and Bang chan started working on math. Apparently, it was so boring she accidentally fell asleep. Bang chan put a blanket around her, and just continued doing homework for the both of them. When she woke up again, she was so embarrassed she couldn't look him in the eye. He held her chin up, looked her straight in the eye, and told her it was okay. They laughed it off, and he eventually went home, after giving her a warm hug.

I, of course, fangirled like crazy while hearing the story, THEY'RE SO CUTE TOGETHER! Bang chan really would be a good boyfriend!

Once I got to the school gate, I could see Minho, Hyunjin and Felix waiting. I quickly said Ruby goodbye and ran up to them. "Good morniiing!" I caught up to them, and we walked to the classroom together. First math, than English and after that Korean.

I just couldn't figure it out, Korean I mean. I never knew learning a language could be so difficult! I just kept looking at my workbook. The teacher must have seen me struggling, because he walked up to me. "Say, Yuna. Why don't you ask someone to tutor you? That way you'll be able to catch up in no time!" I agreed with him, but who would want to help me? I didn't want to disturb any of the guys, since they've already done a lot for me, but I don't really know anyone else...

"I'll help you!" Minho said with a smile. "You're already helping me with math too... I don't want to be a bother." "Why don't we all help her out?" Felix proposed. "Minho can help her out with math, Hyunjin with Korean, and I'll help with history!" They all looked at each other and nodded. "Thank you guys, I mean it!"

As the bell rang, everyone got up except for me. "I'm staying here for a little bit longer to practice, why don't you go ahead!" "I'll stay here as well." Hyunjin smiled. "I'm your tutor remember, just ask me anything you want to know!"

Minho and Felix left, and Hyunjin and I stayed behind. "So, what are you struggling with?" He sat down next to me, and got closer to see the book. "Ah, this part here! I just can't seem to get it right." After he explained it, I finally understood. Either Minho and Hyunjin are really good tutors, or the teachers are terrible at doing their job!

"Say Hyunjin.. about yesterday" I started, looking at him. "Hmm?" "What did you and Felix talk about? He seemed a little off when I asked him about it..." To be honest, I'm still worried. It looks like he's all fine now, but no one gets over a heartbreak that fast!

"You already know the story right? He told me you accidentally overheard." "Yeah..." I put my hand in my neck, feeling a bit uncomfortable. "Well, it is true that things were going awful between them, but there's something else too..."

Hyunjin stopped talking, and just looked pained. I, as curious as I am, still really wanted to know. "What do you mean?" "Apparently they made a promise. No matter how difficult things get, you don't leave each other."

Thinking about it, it sounds really romantical, but that's probably all the more reason why it hurts so much. Hyunjin just looked down.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked!" I slapped my cheeks, put away my books and got up. "Let's go get some food while we still can! Hyunjin got up, and we left in search for Minho and Felix.

After that we had a couple of other lessons, most of them boring, except for the last one. Our first dance lesson! Everyone got changed, and we met up at a huge room.

"Okay everyone. Before we start the lesson, I want you to make pairs. You'll eventually get into groups of four, but you will also do some projects with just two people.

I felt arms wrapped around my waist, and looked up in shock. "Claim" said Minho, and I laughed. Of course, we teamed up with Hyunjin and Felix later on. The teacher started explaining the first project.

"The first project will be with the pairs." Minho and I looked at each other and nodded. "I want you to do a kind of Latin dance. It's different than usual, but a good way to get to know your partner! You can decide the rest yourself." He clapped his hands, as some sort of dismissed.

"So, what do you want to do?" Minho asked. "Well, I had an idea! What about dancing the rumba! I've learned it not too long ago, and I think it's perfect for the start! We can make our own variation on it!" "Sounds good!"

We started practicing soon after that. Since he never had lessons, I had to teach him the basics first. I did forget how close you are to each other while dancing. In the rumba, you have to keep looking in each other's eyes, since it's the dance of love, which I sort of forgot... Whoops.

Two hours ended quickly, en Minho learned all the basics, and we even started making our own variation. I put on my uniform again, just one more hour. History. Ugh! I just really don't want to end my day with history. I sat down next to Felix, who promised to help me. We sat in the back so that the teacher wouldn't notice us.

I put my arms on the desk and lay down my head. "Are you that tired?" Whispered Felix. I nodded. I could fall asleep any minute now. I never thought dancing could be so exhausting! "Here, you can lay head on my shoulder." Felix tapped on his shoulder, and I lay my head down.

His shoulder is somehow really comfortable. I closed my eyes, but couldn't fall asleep. I could hear Hyunjin and Minho whisper, but Felix silenced them, saying I was asleep. He really is the caring type.

When the bell rang, I tried to open my eyes, but my eyelids just felt too heavy, so I kept laying on his shoulder for a little longer. After what seemed like 5 minutes I finally opened my eyes. The classroom was already empty, except for Felix and Me.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep?" I lifted my head and looked at him. "You must have needed it, since you were asleep for two hours!" "TWO HOURS!?" I grabbed my phone as fast as I could, almost dropping it. It really has been two hours....

You could hear Felix trying to hold his laugh, but failing miserably. "It's okay! I wanted to get some rest too. Did the princess have a good day's rest?" He smirked. Princess.... "Ah, yeah! Thank you Felix."

We walked out of the building, and he brought me home. He stopped in front of my door. "Want to come over again tonight? The boys are having another movie night!" "As long as it isn't a scary one!" We laughed. "I'll pick you up at 9. Bye Yuna!" "Bye Felix!"

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