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"Minho.... We've been walking for quite a while now, but where are we going?" I think we've been walking for 30 minutes now, still hand in hand. I mean, I don't mind it, but I'm just curious of where we're going. "You'll see! Just hang in there for a little longer okay?"

My feet are so tired... It's been 45 minutes now, and I have absolutely no idea where we are. I couldn't take my eyes of Minho. I was slightly walking behind him, since he was pulling me forward from behind. I'm still worried about him. "Minho.... Not to be the whiny kid in the back of the car, but how much further is it? My feet are starting to hurt!" He looked back at me, and smiled again. He really needs to stop doing that! It's bad for my heart!

"Just turn around the corner to the left, and you'll see!" Excitedly, I started to run, and couldn't believe my eyes. An amusement park! I haven't been to one of those in such a long time! "Minhooo! Hurry up! Hurry up!" This time I grabbed his hand, and started running towards the entrance.

As we got there, I pulled out my wallet, but Minho stopped me. "It's my treat!" "But you already gave me this necklace! I couldn't possibly accept all that much!" "Don't be silly! I asked you out on a date right? It's only natural that I pay! Besides, guys shouldn't let cute girls pay." Why does he have to play with my heart all this much?

As we got inside, we went into all the rollercoasters we could find! I would smile brightly, and he would just smile softly at me. "What should we do next!" I already got out the map of the amusement park. "What about this one?" He pointed at the haunted house. "E-ehm... Actually..."

I don't want to tell him I'm really afraid of haunted houses. He'll think I'm like a little kid! "What's wrong?" He looked at me curiously. "Ah, nothing! Let's go!" Since it was on the other side of the amusement park, we decided to take the little sightseeing train inside the park.

Once we got to the amusement park, I stood still in front of it. Will I really be able to do this? Minho's hand held mine. "We'll be fine!" We went inside, and all I could see was darkness. A somewhat scary song played in the background. The further we went, the scarier is became.

At one point, a man suddenly jumped out right in front of us. I can't take this anymore! I let out a scream, and ran away! I kept running and running, but I couldn't find the exit! Everything was still dark, and I just sat down and cried. I don't want this anymore! I want to get out! Someone save me! Minho.....

A hand touched my shoulder, and I screamed as loud as I could. I started hitting whatever was right in front of me, still with my eyes closed. "Yuna! It's me! Minho!" I opened my eyes and tears fell down. "Minho... Minho!" I jumped into his arms while crying. "I- I was so scared!" "It's okay, I'm here."

After hugging for a while, he held onto my hand really tight. "We can do this together okay? Just close your eyes, and trust me." I nodded, and closed my eyes, following the held that made me feel so safe. We finally got outside, and I opened my eyes again.

"Let's never do that again!" I was still a bit scared from everything that happened inside, but already calmed down. "Sorry to make you go through that! Let's do something calming now... Like these boats! Apparently you can rent a boat and peddle around the whole amusement park!" "Let's do that!"

Minho stepped into the boat, and helped me get into it. The view was so pretty! Minho was rowing so I could just look around. "Are you enjoying it?" "I am! I really am! Thank you for bringing me out here Minho!" "It's not problem! I'm glad you like it."

Suddenly memories of this morning came back. "Minho... Can I ask you something?" I looked down a bit, too scared to look him in the eyes. "You can ask me anything. Is something wrong?" "It's about this morning... I saw you and Hyunjin fighting in the lunchroom this morning. I couldn't really make out what you were saying, but it seemed really awful... What happened?"

Minho stopped rowing. He just looked confused, sad and mad at the same time. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked!" I looked at the ducks in the lake. They really have it easy... "It's okay... We just had a small argument over something... I don't think I can tell you what it was about just yet, but I'm sure we'll somehow resolve things... I hate fighting with the other members..." He looked down again. I just sat there in silence, and Minho started rowing again.

We were silent for the rest of the boat trip. After getting off, we decided to go to a shooting gallery. "Go Minho! You got this!" I shouted happily. Minho really looks cool when he's focused. His gaze, his slow breathing... He shot every single one of the targets. "Good job kid!" The man behind the bar said. "So, what do you want for the prize? How about this teddybear for your girlfriend?"

"Ah, I'm not-" I tried to finish my sentence, but Minho stopped me. "I'll take it!" I smiled softly at him, and he gave me the teddybear. I held the teddybear in one hand, and his hand in the other. We got some fries and snacks at the park for dinner, and decided to do one last thing.

"Why don't we go on the ferris wheel? I'm sure the view will be really pretty!" I said. He agreed, and we got into the ferris wheel. "Yuna... I want to give you one more thing... Can you close your eyes again for a second?" "Another thing? But you've already given me so much!" "Just... Close your eyes okay?"

I closed my hand, and I could feel his hand lift mine. "You can open them again." I saw a silver ring with a matching heart on my finger. "As long as you have this ring, I will always be with you and protect you, no matter what happens. I want to be right by your side, whatever happens."

"Minho..." I was speechless. I couldn't say anything else. No one has ever said something like that to me. "You don't have to say anything... I'm not looking for a reply, all I want is to be with you for tonight... Will you let me?" I nodded, since words still wouldn't come out of my mouth.

A soft pair of lips touched my cheek. I could feel myself burn up again. He slowly moved away, and I could feel his gaze penetrate right through my soul. I didn't even notice, but we we're already down again.

The rest of the evening, he walked us both home, with me on his back. When I got home, he put me down, and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thank you for being with me today. I really enjoyed it!" I shook my head. "Thank you. I don't think I ever had this much fun!"

Another soft kiss on my cheek. "Please think about what I said this evening. Tell me your answer whenever you're ready. I love you." He moved away, and without letting me say a word, he walked away. My eyes followed him until I could no longer see him. He really loves me...

✔️Staying with you • Lee Minho✔️Where stories live. Discover now