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"Why don't you sleep in my room! I'll hold you when you're scared!" Jeongin exclaimed, but Minho hit his head. "She's a girl! She can't just sleep in a guy's room!" "I wasn't thinking about doing anything weird you pervert!" Minho just looked at him in utter shock, and I laughed.

"So where do I sleep, if I can't sleep with Jeongin?" I faked a tear, and then laughed it off. The boys just looked at each other. "There's a free bed upstairs at the attic, why don't you sleep there?" Felix suggested. "Sure!" Hyunjin brought me one of his shirts, and I went upstairs.

The room was all dark, and there's stuff everywhere! I've never been more scared of an attic in my entire life. I decided to just brush it off, since they've already been so kind to let me sleep over at their place. I put on Hyunjin's shirt, which indeed really is oversized for me.

I went to the bathroom, where Jeongin had already put the extra toothbrush. I brushed my teeth, and Minho walked in. "Ah, Minho?" I asked. "Hmm?" "Do you guys have any towels? I really want to take a shower before going to bed!" Somehow, taking a shower always helped me calm down a little. "Yeah, they're in the closet over there. Just make sure you lock the door!" He looked at me with a serious face.

After I was done, I indeed calmed down a bit. It's so warm, it makes you feel safe. I put Hyunjin's shirt back on, and went to bed. I tried to sleep, but I just couldn't. Every scary moment played through my head over and over again. I really am an idiot. Why did I just have to act so tough...

I went downstairs to get something to drink, and just watch TV. Sleeping wasn't going to happen anyway. I took the blanket I brought with me from upstairs, lay down on the couch, and put the TV on. There wasn't really anything interesting, but anything that distracted me from those scary movies was perfect. I found a comedy romance movie that just started, so decided to watch that one.

After watching it for about half an hour I heard footsteps. Owhmygosh, help! Is someone gonna murder me? I hid under the blankets, although even an idiot could see someone was underneath there. The footsteps got closer and closer, and I pulled the blankets tighter, scared to death.

Someone pulled the blankets off of me, and started tickling me. I couldn't stop laughing, which made me lose my breath. That's one way to murder someone! "S-stop i-it!" I managed to say through my laughing. I opened one eye to saw Felix smiling adorably. "Felix!!" I ruffled his hair and poked him. My turn! I got up and started tickling him.

I chased him through the living room as he tried to run away from me. Back at the couch, I finally caught up to him, and tickled him even more, when we both tell back on the couch. Suddenly I lay on top of Felix, with his hand still on my waist from him trying to stop me. He quickly let go and I got up, getting us both something to drink.

Pfff that was close! He's still my bias after all! When I got back he sat on the couch, as he was watching the movie. I sat down next to him, and covered us with the blanket. "Felix?" "Yeah?" "Can I lend your shoulder again?" I asked and yawned. I guess I was tired after all. "Sure." He smiled.

I put my head on his shoulder again, and held onto his arm as if it was some sort of plushee. We continued watching the movie, but soon I fell asleep.

When I woke up, I was somehow back in the attic. Maybe Felix carried me? I went downstairs, but couldn't find anyone. Looked in all the rooms, no one. They could have told me they were going somewhere! I went back to my room, and noticed a small letter on my night shelf.

"Did you sleep well? We have to go out of town for today for a photoshoot. Sorry for leaving you alone. There's a key in the cookie box in the food shelf downstairs, please lock the door with it when you're leaving! ~Felix
PS. As for my shirt, just keep it ~hyunjin
PPS. You can also keep the toothbrush! ^-^ ~Jeongin

I'm really sad they left so early! I hoped we could at least eat breakfast together, although I never eat much in the morning. I drank a glass of water, brushed my teeth, and got dressed again. I grabbed the key, locked the door behind me, and left for home.

I put on my favorite song, mixtape #2, of course from stray kids. It really helps me relax, and puts me in a great mood! I got home, and saw Ruby just constantly running up and down. "Ruby, I'm home!" "OWHMYGOSH YOUNG LADY YOU'RE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE!"

Oh help, here it comes. When Ruby's overprotective modes are actived, there's no turning back. "WHAT DID YOU THINK YOU WERE DOING, SLEEPING OVER WITH 9 OTHER GUYS!!! WHAT IF THEY DID SOMETHING TO YOU. Of course, you would get cute babies, BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT!"

"Nothing happened Ruby! I swear!" "THAN WHAT ARE THESE?" She showed me her phone, with tons of pictures of me with the members. For example, me hugging Jeongin, and even me and Felix sleeping together on the couch, or me in Hyunjin's shirt, which might just be a bit too short to be a dress.

"Look Ruby, whatever you're thinking, it didn't happen!" At first, she looked at me with a hint of disbelief, but then she just pouted. "So no cute nephews or nieces?" "NO!" I threw the nearest pillow at her. "NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!"

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