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*Ethan's PoV*
Liv just ended the FaceTime call and she never fails to make me smile. I'm not mad at all that she took my clothes, she looks fucking adorable in them. Maybe if she wears my clothes around guys they will know she is taken... or almost taken.

"Yo Gray!" I yelled to him in the kitchen. "Sup bro?" Gray asked. "I think I want to surprise Liv for her birthday in four days." I said. I saw him smirk. "Gonna get your girl?" He asked. My cheeks flushed red and went hot. "I'm trying to win her back, I'm taking it slow... kinda." I replied making him laugh.

"Ok bro, but first ask her what she's gonna do that day to make sure no guys are taking her in a date or anything." He said. I clenched my jaw and stood up. "Bro. Not funny, but your right I'll ask her tomorrow what she's doing." I said. He nodded. I turned to go to my room. "Bro." Gray said making me stop.

I turned telling him he has my attention. "Your gonna get the girl. Liv Loves way to much to move on, trust me bro." He said. I smiled and nodded. I really fucking hope he is right. For now I've gotta date with a hot babe named my bed. Got ya, you think I'm gonna do that to Liv? Fuck no.

*Liv's PoV*
I woke up to a pounding headache. Holy shit! I feel like in my sleep someone beat the shit out of my head with a fucking baseball bat, ducking hell.

I checked what time it was on my phone while also noticing some texts from E. E and I are in a complicated situation I guess. I mean I'm in love with him, I just don't trust him... you know?

Ethan: Hey Babydoll.
Your probably sleeping...smh.

Me:  Excuse the fuck outta me for needing my beauty sleep.

Ethan: Babes your gorgeous, you don't need that shit. Anyways, what's the princess doing for her birthday in three days?

Me: Ryan's taking me to dinner.

Ethan: oh.

Me: Kidding. Got ya bitch!

Ethan: Fucking hell, that scared me.
For reals though got plans?

Me: Nope. Probs gonna lay in bed  watching Netflix while wearing your giant  sweatpants and  hoodie with no bra or panties,, birthday suit;)
Also eating pizza. Per-fucking-fection.

Ethan: That's-fucking-hot.

Me: not really.
I look and feel like a bag of mashed potatoes, and not the delicious kind, more like the gross kind that taste like dirt ya know?

Ethan: Honestly babe I don't know... but your fucking adorable for thinking that.

Me: Lol. I'm gonna go get breakfast. Face time me later yeah?

Ethan: You got it babygirl.

I shut my phone off with a unremovable smile on my face. Ethan never fails to make me smile. He doesn't even have to do anything... it's just him.

I got up and called Ryan telling him I wasn't gonna make it today due to my headache. I jumped into the shower hoping it would take my headache away. I let the water run down my body, and honestly this made my headache worse. I went to the next option... Drugs! Just kidding more like Advil.

I laid down turning in TVD. (The Vampire Diaries) "Damon! God dammit Elena!" I yelled at the T.V making my temples burst. I heard my phone start ringing and I looked at the caller ID... oh look, 'Dickhead'...aka Ryan. Hehe...

"Hello?" I said. "Hey Liv I heard about your headache I'm already on my way to make you feel better." He said. How the fuck does he know where I live. "Ryan really please don't, that's really sweet but I just don't feel like having company." I said. I heard him sigh. "Liv, I'm really trying to be there for you. I want to maybe have something between us." He said.

The fuck!?? "Umm Ryan I'm kind of in a complicated relationship right now." I said. "Baby, I could make you feel so good." He said. And that's when I hung the fuck up. I hate that prick so much!

Apparently I have a press conference tomorrow because Ryan's fight is the day before my birthday. Great. I hope this headaches is gone by the time that rolls around.

*Ethan's PoV*
"Yo bro, we're gonna go to the club, be ready in like twenty." Gray said. "No bro, I'm good." I said. He stopped walking and slowly walked backwards so he was in the frame of my door. He had a confused look on his face. "What?" He asked. I chuckled. "Dude I'm good, I don't wanna get fucked up and do something stupid." I said. He smiled. "I'm proud of you bro. How about you just come and not drink and just hang with us?" He asked. Hmm. "Yeah I guess."

I got dressed in black ripped jeans and my white playboy hoodie since Liv took my favorite black one. I couldn't be happier that she took it though, it will keep those man whores away from her.

"You ready?" Nate asked. I nodded locking my phone from scrolling through my camera roll looking at the pictures of Liv and I.

We got to the club and Gray was the D.D. I told him I would, but he said it was okay and he didn't feel like drinking. I had one drink, and one drink turned to two, two turned to five...

*Liv's PoV*
I noticed my phone blowing up and noticed they were all from Ethan. What the hell?

I mis yoo sow muc
Stop ignring mi
I mis yor lips on minne
Cum hime soon prinssessess

Me: You drunk baby?

NO! I dint drinnk
I sware

Me: Get some rest my love.

Ethan: I lov yoou

Me: Ily2 E.


Me: Your brothers drunk off his ass.

Grayson: I know. Wanna know what happened when some chick grinded on him?

Me: Do I want to know?


Me: I'm in love with your dumbass twin you know that?

Gray: Oh we all know babe;)

Me:Shut up.

I chuckled thinking about E turning girls down. Even when he's drunk off his ass... he's loyal... now. That's fucking adorable. My poor baby is gonna feel all that alcohol in the morning. I wish I could see him. I wish I could go home for my birthday, but that's the day after the fight... so that plan is fucked.

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