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*Liv's PoV*
I sat in the bed numb. Completely numb. I held my legs to my chest trying to cover myself as much as possible. "Learn your lesson?" Logan said pulling up his pants. I showed no emotion as tears rolled down my cheeks. I just nodded not even glancing in his direction once. He gently grabbed my face and had a sincere look.

"I don't like hurting you love." He said. I sniffled and didn't reply and more tears rolled down my emotionless face. He eventually walked out of the cold room leaving me there. Feeling nothing.

I was told that I'm gong to be in a fun house. I remember E telling me about one when we dated. He said it was where girls just get raped and then bought. Lucky me. Aren't you jealous.

I sighed getting up putting on my old clothes. Gray sweatpants, and a black hoodie. I went back to the disgusting bed and sighed laying down trying to sleep. If your wondering why I'm not trying to do everything I can to escape, it's because I've tried everything, and each time the punishment was more painful then the last.

I miss the guys. I miss my dad and Lee. I miss carter and Matt. I miss the love of my life most of all. Are they looking for me? Did they give up? Maybe I'm being selfish. They have lives to live, and if I'm not in those lives, at least they are happy. All I've ever wanted is their happiness.

*Ethan's PoV*
I called gray ready to tell him who I called. I'm nervous as fuck, but I have to. "What's up bro?" I heard him say. "I'm just gonna say it bro. I called him." I said. "Called who Ethan?" He asked. "Him." I said. I heard him sigh. "You don't think we can do it by ourselves?" He asked. I scoffed. "No. He's coming tomorrow." I said. "Alright." He replied then hung up. I let out the air I was holding in with a loud sigh.

That went better than I thought. I went upstairs looking through my many suits, finally picking out my sharpest one. I will be and look like the richest man in there. I went to grab my Gucci belt that I haven't worn in months. Under it I found a little pink note, and guess who's handwriting?

I don't know when your going to find this, but when you do surprise! I love you! Also E you know when you wear your Gucci belt I like when you wear my favorite black shiny shoes of yours. Wherever your going I'm sure your gonna look hot, Who am I kidding you could pull off a garbage bag;) I love you love, and also these little notes are everywhere.
-Liv xoxo
P.s... when you find this tell me, I wanna see how long it takes! Love you so much!

I couldn't help but let my eyes water. Just thinking about her writing this gives me butterflies and an automatic smile. This must of been months ago. I can't wait to get her back. I'm going to get her back. Especially after I called him.

I know your wondering who 'him' is, well he's kind of the leader of the mafia gang in New Jersey. Him and my dad are good friends, but obviously he doesn't know about the whole gang thing. Gray doesn't like him because I've always been his favorite. Sorry gray. He's going to ensure that I get my princess back.

I got up getting in the shower after a restless night. I haven't slept since Liv has been gone. Maybe ten hours at most for a week and a half. I know super unhealthy. I stood in the shower thinking about her, however she's the only thing ever on my mind.

I keep imagining the night she was taken. I snapped at her. I made Grayson take her. I made her leave. I left her. It's all my fucking fault. If I wasn't such a stubborn asshole she would be with me. Most likely still not talking to me more than two words, but she would be safe. That's all that matters.

The police called before my shower updating us on their shit work. Still nothing on Liv, little do they know I'm gonna get her back myself. I haven't seen Lee or her dad in a few days, they are probably a wreck. Liv was a big family person. I know I'm an asshole for doing this, but I blocked Carson's number... yeah she kept calling me like every hour, and texting me thirty times a day.

I have fucking work to do sorry hun. I got out of the shower wrapping a towel around my waist. My phone started ringing. I find myself always jump and look to see if the caller ID is 'babygirl'... it never is, I don't know why I torture myself.

It's Grayson, my doofus brother. "What you got gray?" I asked. He sighed. "Bro get over here, I don't want to tell you over the phone." He said hanging up. What the hell? What if he found Liv? Holy shit! I gotta go!

"Gray!" I yelled. He walked into the office slouching. "Hey." He said sadly. "What's going on?" I asked. He sighed and kicked and chair across the room with a big crash. "What the hell gray! What?" I yelled. "He bought her already. He bought her early!" He yelled.

My heart dropped to my feet. No no no. "Who? Who bought her?" I yelled. He shook his head crying sliding down the wall.

It's that bad.

"Grayson. Who. Bought her?" I asked through gritted teeth. He pushed his tongue into his cheek and was breathing heavy.

"Rodriguez, Carlos fucking Rodriguez." He said.

I froze at the name of that mother fucker. Who is he? He's only the leader of the most wanted human trafficking ring in the world. It's pretty much impossible to get someone out of his ring. He took my baby. Mine.

I punched the wall making a hole. I was breathing heavy. "Where is she?" I asked. He sniffled. "Mexico." He said. I gritted my teeth.

"Pack your fucking bags." I said than stormed out wanting to break anything and everything in my site.

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