"You're not an idiot Ari." I tell her and she gives me a thankful smile. "And how do you know that he's never going to want you?"

"He doesn't date Genie."

"He's not going to not date for forever." I point out.

"I know that but I don't think I could handle waiting for him to get over that...and you know I could wait and then he could end up getting some girlfriend who has everything I don't." Aria lets out a big sigh. "It just sucks because I really want him. I want to be able to share stupid little jokes with him, have cute little movie nights together where we cuddle and eat way too much pizza, I want to be able to hold his hand and kiss him whenever I want. I just want to be able to call him my boyfriend you know?" Aria sounds so defeated that it breaks my heart.

"I do Ari and my advice to you is to tell him how you feel, I mean it is Michael? You never know he could surprise you."

"I'm not that girl though Genie." Aria says on the verge of tears.

"What girl?"

"I'm not the girl who gets the guy that she wants." Aria says quietly.

"You could be if you take a chance." I tell her, god I felt so bad for her.

"What if he doesn't feel the same though? How awkward would that be." Aria grimaces wiping at her eyes.

"And what if he does feel the same and you two live happily ever after."

"I doubt it." Aria lightly chuckles. "It's not like we're you and Cal."

"Huh?" I frown in confusion.

"You two are like a match made in heaven." My heart instantly flutters at her words and I have no idea why.

"We are not."

"Uh yes you are. I mean you two probably had the easiest transition from friends to lovers." Aria grins.

"I guess." I shrug then shake my head. "Anyway back to you and Michael. Are you gonna tell him?"

"I'll think about it." Aria says softly. I guess that's all I could ask from her, it's not like I could force her in to telling him and it definitely wasn't my place to tell him.

"Okay good." I smile. "It may be a good idea to avoid any more sexy time too."

"Can't make any promises there,Seriously Genie you have no idea how good he is in bed. The things that boy can do with his tongue-" Aria goes to continue but I cut her off.

"T.M.I." I shake my head at her "I don't wanna know."

"You should of gotten with him when you had the chance. Just saying." Aria smirks and I scrunch my nose up at the idea. Even though Michael and I had our little thing it was just weird to think about him in that way now.

"Ugh...no regrets on that one." I say and Aria lets out a small laugh before smiling at me.

"Thank you Genie."

"Anytime." I smile before giving a quick hug then stand up from her bed. "Time to interrupt the bromance that is Cake."

"Cake?" Aria looks at me confused.

"Calum and Luke." I clarify before walking over to the door.

"Right." Aria nods before a mischievous grins finds it's way to her lips. "Now would that be a dream threesome or what?"

"Aria!" I laugh, it was so strange to hear stuff like that come out off her mouth. "I think Claudia's starting to rub off on you."

"It was bound to happen." Aria shrugs before hoping off her bed.

The Boyfriend Project. C.H. (A.U.) {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now