Dinner...with Zayn? Chapter 2

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“Thank you; yeah it’s my sister she got into a car crash and is in a coma so I come everyday even if it is for a short while like today.”Tracy said politely.

“Im really sorry to hear that, dear. I have seen you in there more than a few times and it looks like you need that sleep more than she does.” Zayn’s grandmother joked lightly.

 "Especially with all the stress this must be putting on you.” Zayn said joining the conversation.Tracy couldn’t help but share a toothless smile as she got lost in the welcoming brown eyes staring down at her. On the inside she was fangirling like a maniac thinking, “OMG ZAYN MALIK THE ZAYN MALIK IS TALKING TO ME!!” On the outside she stayed composed afraid of losing this chance of talking with one of the worlds sexiest bachelors.

“Yeah it’s been hard, but im managing.” She shuffled nervously and then gesturing toward her friend said, “We should be going. I hope whoever you are here is better soon also, see you tomorrow.” I grab Adriane’s arm and see that her eyes are about bulging out of her head and her jaw is on the floor. Seriously Adriane? Keep it cool don’t ruin it. As I tried to pull her out of the hospital I tell her

“Jeez Adriane you’re gonna catch flies close your mouth. Great job at keeping it cool in there. I thought we agreed when we first saw he was here that we would keep it cool if he ever talked to us or brushed past us in the hallway. WHAT HAPPENED TO THAT PLAN huh?!?” Adriane just smiles apologetically, but I could tell by her eyes that she was only sorry she didn’t launch herself at him. 

“TRACY ARE YOU SERIOUS! WE…YOU JUST TALKED TO ZAYN MALIK! ZAYN FREAKING M-…” She turns to her friend who has stopped walking and talking and is looking open eyed at the doors of the hospital.Tracy turns around to see Zayn jogging in her direction. As he closes the gap between them he looked happy that he has caught up to us before we left.

He said, “Hey how would you like to come to dinner the both of you tonight?” As Tracy was beginning to open her mouth to talk Adriane jumps in practically yelling

“We’re there!”

“Great! Just give me the address to where you’re staying and I’ll have a car pick you up…lets say around 7:30. Is that good?” Again before she can answer her friend is already answering for her.

“Yes! That’s great!” Zayn smiled.Tracy is a little put of by the whole situation were they really going to go out with a stranger who didn’t even know their names?!

“So you just want to take us to dinner without even knowing who we are?” she questioned him.

“Yeah, pretty much! The boys and I had planned to go out to eat and when I saw you guys I decided it would be pretty cool to bring two fit girls with me.” Zayn winked at Adriane. At this Adriane screeched she was obviously very excited that she was just hit on by Zayn freaking Malik.Tracy was pretty star struck too, but since her friend wouldn’t keep it together she had to. 

“So what are your names?”

“Im Adriane and this is my best friend Tracy.” Adriane manages to keep her voice level.Tracy gives her friend a stern ‘be cool’ look.

“Hello Adriane and Tracy my name is Zayn.” I wanted to scream YEAH WE FREAKING KNOW WERE IN LOVE WITH YOU, but I keep calm.

“Well Adriane and Tracy I would love to have you lovely girls join me tonight if that is alright with you.” He said aiming the question at me seeing as Adriane had already answered yes once. I smiled and said

“No thanks we have plans.”Tracy was bluffing, and Zayn new it.

“Oh, and what are those plans may I ask.” In Tracy’s head she was thinking ‘not embarrassing myself in front of the biggest boy band on earth,’ but on the outside she just smiled and said

“It’s movie night! Me and Adriane here are going to the movies.”

“Since when?!” Adriane practically yelled. Zayn chuckled at me being ratted out.

“Since now come on lets go!”Tracydidn’t know why but she really didn’t want to go to this dinner she didn’t even want to be having this conversation. She just felt something inside tell her that this wasn’t a good idea. She turned and started walking to the car.

Adriane’s POV

“Here is where we are staying I will get her to go don’t worry.” Adriane said to Zayn.

“Can I have your number love?”

“Sure!” She gave him her and Tracy’s cell phone numbers and then hurried off after her friend. She was so going to get her back for this. Why didn’t Tracy want to go to a free dinner probably at a fancy restaurant with One Direction?

Then it hit her.

                       She felt so stupid. Her friend was grieving right now. Her sister could die and the baby too and here she is trying to push her into dinner with a bunch of boys she didn’t know. Well actually she knew them she was probably one of their biggest fans. She adored them. Twitter was practically her life just messaging them all kinds of randomness. Another reason she knew Tracy didn’t want to go was becauseTracy had a tendency to get crazy and embarrass herself. In public she just laughs it of, but then she would cry and cry about it to Adriane later. She knew she it would take a lot of convincing, but they were going to this dinner tonight. Then she thought well this could get her mind off her sister and she vowed to herself to also not let Tracy be embarrassed tonight. She then stepped into the car besideTracy and awaited the curses that she knew would be coming to her soon. She waited and waited, but Tracy just calmly pulled out of the parking lot. Then Tracy's cell phone rang.


The next chapter is kinda like a filler chapter not much zayn in it. Sorry this is short i just wanted to get him to ask her and thats it, but i will post next chapter soon!


Hospital Meet and GreetDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora