"Jungkook, this is so wrong, what the hell did we do? I have a boyfriend, you have a son, we shouldn't have done this, I shouldn't have come here. I'm so sorry." Jimin expressed apologetically to Jungkook who moved his hands to cup his cheeks, wiping his tears away with his thumb and staring at him before finding something to say. "You said it yourself, he's cheating on you." Jungkook exclaimed. 

"I'm drunk, I say lots of stupid things when I have too much to drink." Jimin justified himself with a cute pout on his lips but Jungkook saw right through him defensive demeanor though. Jungkook sighed and brought his hands down to his side, staring at the beautiful lips inches away from him, wanting to taste them again. "No you said it because you subconsciously believe it's true." Jungkook insisted. 

Jimin frowned, he wanted to respond back but he simply watched Jungkook move his hands again to fix his buttons on his jeans, helping him get dressed correctly and when Jungkook locked their gazes together again he leaned in to give the smaller a gentle kiss, but Jimin didn't reciprocate the gesture. "No I don't, he loves me." Jimin said backing away from the handsome taller who's kisses he was starting to become addicted too. 

Jungkook observed the small tears escaping from Jimin's sullen eyes, and it was obvious he was fighting against his own beliefs, annoyed with the truth weighing down on him  and Jungkook groaned in frustration, he knew the beautiful male didn't deserve that kind of betrayal and without really thinking he spoke his mind. "He's cheating on you Jimin, why the hell aren't you accepting it? Why in the world are you covering it up like it's nothing?" 

Jungkook wanted it to come out a lot nicer then it but the damage was already done. "What? How the hell would you even know something like that?" Jimin questioned, raising his voice with anger and denial. Jungkook admitted to himself that he hated seeing Jimin's tears fall like rivers from his lovely brown orbs but he needed to know this, it wasn't just because he wanted him for himself but because it was the right thing to do. 

"I heard him and that other coach making plans today, they were flirting disgustingly during the practice, talking about ditching you so that they could be together. Don't you see what's happening, he doesn't respect you, he doesn't love you, and he surely doesn't deserve someone so precious like you. Open your eyes Jimin, I know you see the signs." Jungkook expressed balling up his fist. 

Jimin was silent, his vision moved down to let his tears slide off his nose to soak the rug he was standing over. "No, you don't know what you're talking about." Jimin continued on denying the very obvious statement, but his body said other wise because he was wrapping his arms around Jungkook's waist, sobbing into his broad chest, seeking comfort from his strong hold. 

"I'm so fucking stupid, of course I know they are sneaking behind my back. I just don't understand, why, why are they doing this to me?" Jimin muffled his cries into Jungkook's shirt, hating himself for refusing to see the details spelled out in front of him the entire time, he just wanted it to not be true, wishing that if he ignored it than they'd stop eventually because he didn't want to lose either of them, he wanted to keep his boyfriend and best friend even if they were no good for him. 

Jungkook could feel his shirt getting damp with tears but he didn't care, he was enjoying the content sensation he was experiencing in his heart having Jimin in his arms, finally hearing the truth and letting his emotions out. Forgetting about the situation at hand Jimin couldn't deny the satisfaction of being in Jungkook's arms, everything about it felt right, like he belonged in his arms but he knew he needed to head home to resolve the mess with his boyfriend first before perusing something further with the taller. 

"I want to go home. I need to confront him." Jimin squeaked out sniffling and gazing up at Jungkook's lovely eyes. "Are you sure?" Jungkook whispered back, his arms holding onto Jimin tightly, he didn't want him to leave but he knew he couldn't keep him there forever, and when Jimin nodded the taller parted to grab his car keys and lead the smaller out of his home.  

The entire ride was silent, neither of them knowing what to say about the their steamy couch session or discussing the way they shared such a special connection given the short amount of time they've known each other. A part of Jungkook wanted to apologize to Jimin for touching him while he was drunk but his heart couldn't bring himself to speak the words because he desired it so badly and it was more than obvious now that Jimin wanted him also anyways.

Jungkook parked in front of an apartment building that Jimin said he lived in, he sighed and kept his hands along the steering wheel while his gaze moved to see that Jimin wasn't making any attempt to leave just yet. "Please, break up with him, not for me but for you, you don't deserve this." Jungkook told Jimin who didn't respond, he simply nodded and found the courage to exit the suv, making his way to face the disaster that awaited him at home. 

Jimin fumbled with the keys to his apartment door for a while, he could already imagine the enraged face Yoongi's was probably making while he waited for him and when he pushed open the door he was greeted with an angry shout. "Where the fuck have you been? And who the hell were you with?" Yoongi growled the second he set his eyes on his boyfriend who was conjuring up an excuse to justify what he was doing with Jungkook but no solution came to mind. 

"Answer me!" Yoongi shouted again making Jimin flinch from his thoughts, the smaller cleared his throat and tossed his keys on the ground, kicking off his shoes and walking towards his boyfriend staring at him dead in the eyes. Yoongi could see that Jimin had been drinking and before he could question it he felt his lover grip onto the collar along his t-shirt with tears falling down his redden eyes. "Why are you cheating on me Yoongi?" Jimin questioned with a soft voice. 

"Really again with shit Jimin? I already told you that I'm--"

"I know that you're cheating on me with Hoseok!" Jimin exclaimed but this time he was shouting, he didn't know what came over him but he finally found the courage to speak up to Yoongi who was shocked at the accusations. He was rendered speechless actually because Jimin's has never shouted at him like this before, and he could see not only anger but sadness in his beautiful delicate face. 

"What? Who the fuck told you that fucking lie?" Yoongi responded back, not shouting but defensive as hell. "It doesn't fucking matter Yoongi, I know it's true and I just want you to fucking admit it! Tell me the fucking truth already, stop lying to me!" Jimin demanded angrily, he could see Yoongi nervously gulp before his lips parted to speak. "I'm sorry babe, but I was cheating on you..." He stated expressing shame on his face.

"But I shut that shit down, I dropped everything with him but he was the one that kept coming onto me. I'm so sorry Jimin." Yoongi exclaimed as he wrapped his arms around Jimin's waist. The smaller was silent, listening to Yoongi continue on defending his own actions. "I didn't wanna betray you babe please believe me I love only you." He exclaimed hugging Jimin and smiling at the fact that his boyfriend was not fighting against his embrace at all. 

But Jimin was to numb to put up a fight though, he felt so broken inside, unable to process how his his boyfriend and his bestfriend could go behind his back like his feelings meant nothing. Jimin wanted to push Yoongi off, he wanted to continue yelling at him but his lover kept apologizing sweetly, leaving tender kisses on his neck and nuzzling against him.

"Babe I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a shitty ass boyfriend, I swear I'll be a better man from now on. Do you forgive me?" Yoongi mumbled against Jimin's neck.

Jimin thought the words over while he rested against Yoongi's arms, was he really about to accept and forgive all the pain this man has been causing him? Or was he going to finally gather up the courage to leave him once and for all.


Coach Jimin || Jikookजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें