Chapter Twenty-Seven

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<> <> Jayson <> <>

I froze as I reached the end of the driveway. A car was slowing down, stopping just in front of me. The inside was dark, so I couldn't really see inside, but I knew two people were in there.

The driver door opened, and I backed up to let a woman out. She had graduated two years ago. Rose... my thoughts brought the name to the surface of my mind. "Jayson, you'd better have a good explanation."

I raised an eyebrow. "For what?" She huffed and folded her arms, as if I should already know the answer to my question. The white rose in her hair popped out a little bit.

"Sparrow. I found her nearly frozen to death on the side of the road a week ago." My eyes widened. I couldn't help it, even though I had promised myself I wouldn't.

"Is she alright? Where is she? What did she-" Rose put a hand up, telling me to stop my bombardment.

The other car door opened, but no one came out. I stared at the door for at least a minute before Sparrow's quivering head rose out of the car. She didn't face me, but I could tell she was crying. I wanted to run to her, to wrap my arms around her and tell her she was okay, but I held back.

Rose looked from me to Sparrow. "Right... I'll just, um... I'll leave." Sparrow and I nodded, but other than that didn't move much. Rose drove away, leaving Sparrow standing in the middle of the road. I barely moved. I didn't know what to do.

"So..." I cleared my throat, looking down at my feet. I heard Sparrow's breath catch as I spoke. "You... you wanna head inside?" I looked up in time to see her nod.

Sparrow turned, and I saw she was crying. I couldn't take it anymore. I took a nervous step forward, wrapping my arms around her. She let out everything in sobs.

"I couldn't... I didn't want... no one else needed to get hurt... I'm such a monster..." this last statement surprised me, and I pulled her away and held her at arms length, looking into her beautiful silver eyes. God how I missed those eyes...

"You are not a monster. You wanna know why? Because all you do is care about others. You don't do anything that you feel doesn't benefit others. You are the kindest person I know." As these last seven words left my mouth I cringed at the thoughts I had held just minutes ago. I had hated her. I hated her because she had been the best to me.

She looked up at me and I could see hurt and pain in those eyes. "You are not in this alone. I don't care if I have to walk through hell, because of it's with you its worth it." Sparrow's eyes overflowed and I pulled her to my chest. I opened my mouth, hesitating before saying the words I knew to be true more than I knew the sun shone. "I love you."

<> <> Sparrow <> <>

Jayson carried me into the house after a few more minutes, allowing him to wipe the stinging cold tears on my face away. I would never forget what happened out there. I don't know what it was, but it was as if something woke inside me, a warrior I never knew I had. I could finally fight off the monstrosity that had taken over me. I was tired of being afraid of what might happen.

The next few week flew by. Christmas came and went, and I got a beautiful desktop computer that could turn into a drawing pad. Jayson gave me a surprise present that was - yes, it sounds cliche - a wonderful kiss. Our very first true kiss. I didn't know something so simple could be so complex, the mixture of emotions raging through me.

The memory of the moment flickered back to my mind and I smiled where I sat next to Jayson in class.

"Alright, Jayson I know it's not really anything special, but I got you this." I held up an artwork I had made just for him. We were sitting on the couch, oblivious to the mistletoe above us. Well, our characters were. We had made characters that I could use in my art. Jayson was a fox, while I was a dragon.

We were watching "White Christmas" with everyone else - whom I had assigned characters as well - surrounding us.

"Oh, well... heh... you're a good guesser." I smiled and giggled a little, oblivious to what he actually meant. I thought he had meant I was good at guessing what I liked, but I didn't know what he really meant until he pulled me aside, into the hallway where the others couldn't see us. No one had seen us slip away.

"Listen... Sparrow, there was something I've been wanting to give you for a while." His cheeks burned bright red.

"Oooh-kay, what is it?" I asked innocently. His cheeks burned a deeper red.

"Well, it's a surprise and you have to close your eyes." I smiled and closed them, still oblivious to what was happening. I waited for a moment, then I felt his warm breath on my face and our lips touched.

I wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't. It felt wrong. Feelings rushed through me; surprise, nervousness, even a slight bit scared. But, above all, one thing rose more powerful than all of the others: love.

I stood on my tip-toes to pull myself deeper. My arms wrapped around his neck, and I felt happy. Truly happy. The feeling startled me and I almost pulled back, but I welcomed the feeling with open arms. It was so warm and comfortable, and I didn't want it to leave. However, I slowly felt Jayson pull away, his mouth leaving mine. I didn't open my eyes until I could feel his touch no more.

When I opened my eyes he was gone. I smiled and took in a large breath, holding it for a second before letting it out. I knew my cheeks were as red as Lauren's homemade cranberry juice, but I didn't care. Jayson... oh my god Jayson... My smile grew and I held my hands to my mouth, trying my best to hold in a squeal. I think Eveline had finally noticed I was missing, because she rounded the corner a moment later.

"Woah, what's got you so excited?" I really did squeal this time, and I pulled her deeper into the hallway. "What?"

I waited a moment for the realization to hit her. When it did Eveline's face turned from curiosity to excitement. "Oh my GOD! No way!" She whispered. I nodded, hugging her tight while she did the same to me. "Alright, you need to tell me how it was. NOW!"

I laughed at the mock urgency in her voice. "Alright, alright, fine. You know when I gave him that art I made of all of us together, me and him under the mistletoe?" Eveline nodded. "He told me I was a good guesser. I thought he meant at what he wanted for Christmas, but..."

I paused, losing myself in the memory. "Sparrow." I shook my head to break myself out of my trance.

"Anyway, he pulled me into the hall and told me that there was something he had meant to give me for a long time. He told me it was a secret and to close my eyes. That was when-"

"That was when he did it?" Eveline was trying hard to contain her excitement.

"Yeah! He... oh Eveline it was the best thing ever. It was so... so... it felt like a freaking movie! I don't know how to explain it..." I stuttered, at a loss for words. Eveline giggled.

"Sparrow, you're one lucky gal." I laughed and nodded. "Now let's get back to the others!" We both went back into the room and sat with the others.

I noticed Jayson periodically looking over at me nervously, as if he hoped he had done well. I eventually made my way over to him, lacing my fingers through his. He looked down at me, and I up at him. I knew right then I never wanted to leave his side.

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