Chapter Two

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The next morning was rough for me. All night I had nightmares, relentlessly attacking me like hornets guarding their nest. Brian had shaken me awake. He smelled strongly of alcohol, so I knew I was probably going to get a thrashing.

However, I managed to slip away after breakfast with the help of Eveline, the back door closing softly as she bid me farewell quietly. I was appreciative of her help. As I hurried away from the house, I heard Brian shouting curses as he realized I'd slipped away before he could hit me. The walk to school was slow, and the entire way my bruises and ribs hurt.

As I got to my locker, I heard a familiar voice behind me. "Well, well, well. Lookie here." I turned to see Jayson standing behind me with his cronies around him. I swear they looked twice as strong as yesterday. Jayson's face contorted into a twisted smile as he stepped closer. Just then, however, a hand appeared on Jayson's shoulder.

"Oh sweetheart, don't bother with such an insignificant thing. She's not even worth the trouble." Sally Brookes slid next to Jayson. He sighed, then turned away. He did shoot a glare back at me as he was walking away.

"We'll pick this up later, bitch." My eyes drooped to the floor, my shoulders slumping. I caught sight of Eveline on the other side of the hall. She had seen what happened, but she stayed away from it. I had asked her to keep to herself and away from me so she wouldn't have to deal with everything I did. I went into my locker and pulled out my books, closing it and locking it just as the bell rang. Great. My next class is across the building, and there's no way I can run. I sighed and slowly started to walk down the wall.

I wasn't paying attention to where I was going, and the next thing I knew I was shoved to the ground. Sally Brookes was smiling above me. Jayson and his friends, luckily, were nowhere to be found. "Hey, there plaything." Her smile widened as I got up and slowly started to pick up my books. She shoved them out of my hands and pushed me against the wall. I gasped at the sudden movement caught me off guard.

Sally put her hands on my shoulders. "You need to stop being such a soft target. You're too easy." She giggled and put a hand around my throat. I gasped as her hand clenched, cutting off my air. I clawed at her hand, trying to get her to let go.

"Say please." She giggled again as if this was more fun than Jayson ever was. Then she pulled me off the wall only to shove me against it again. The air left in my lungs flew out. My vision started to go blurry. So this is it. This is where I go. Black spots danced in my eyes, then they grew and everything disappeared.

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A dull ache echoed in my head. People were talking about something. I couldn't understand them. Then someone kicked me hard in the ribs. I doubled over and my hands flew to them. I coughed and then the world came into focus. At the same moment, my head exploded with pain. I whimpered at the pain. People started to speak above me and laugh. Their voices sounded strange and distant.

"Wow, sleeping beauty finally wakes up." "Sleeping 'beauty'? You know she's ugly as ever. That's why she hides behind that scarf, don't you know?" More laughter. It hurt my head. I tried to get up, but someone shoved me back down to the ground. "Hey, why don't we see what makes this scarf so special, huh?" I felt a hand reach down.

The moment they touched my scarf I bolted upright. The sudden movement startled them and made everything from head to toe hurt, but no one takes my scarf. No one. "Woah, touchy. Let's go guys. Leave her for Jayson."

I blinked a few times to see where I was. I was in the same spot where Sally had left me, but my books and supplies were pushed against the wall with me. A note stuck out of my binder. I took it out and read it.

I'm so sorry you had to go through that! I thought Sally was with me this entire time. I keep telling you, you can't keep on trying to protect me. Please be more careful. I took a class time to put your things with you so that they wouldn't end up everywhere. I hope you're okay.


I folded the note and put it in my pocket. Thank you, Eveline. I smiled a little under my scarf. I hugged the blue-and-white fabric close to my neck, feeling the warmth spread from it. It was the last thing I had of my real parents. Brian had taken everything else to donate, but I wouldn't let him take my scarf.

Getting up and using the wall for support, I waited until the dizziness from my head disappeared. Then, bending down, I picked up all of my things and looked at the time. 3:07, still 23 minutes left of school. Sighing, I started towards my locker. It was slow going, considering the pain in my ribs and the sudden rush of oxygen to my brain.

When I finally did reach my locker I looked at the time again. 3:11. It took me a total of four minutes just to get to my locker down the hall. I opened it up and then put my stuff inside. I put the rest of my supplies in my bag: my acrylic set from last night, my pencils, and my paper. Closing it up, I leaned against the locker and closed my eyes.

Everyone hates me. Why? Did I do something wrong? I shook my head a little, but then immediately stopped because of my migraine. I didn't know how long I was there until I heard the bell ring for the end of class. I got up and started towards the double doors that led outside the school.

As I was making my way there, however, I was knocked over by someone. Again?! I thought, throwing my hands back to catch myself. I hit the floor again, whimpering. I don't know how much more of that I can take. The other person landed on top of her, crying out as he fell. As I recollected myself, I saw who it was and closed my eyes. Just my luck. Jayson was shaking his head and groaning. As soon as he realized who he bumped into he jumped up, disgust on his face. Though I thought I saw something else, it was gone before I could be sure.

He shook his head and walked away. I watched him go, curious. Then, I got up and exited through the double doors.

The sunlight hurt my eyes. The wind whipped at my hair and my scarf, and I shivered. For some reason, I had a bad feeling about returning home. Still, I continued on my half-hour walk back to the house.

The walk felt like it took a year. I saw cars pass by me, going back and forth. However, I couldn't walk much faster than I was already. Every bruise screamed at me to stop and rest, and my ribs didn't help much either. I still couldn't determine if they were broken.

When I got home, I found that Brian still wasn't home, which meant he was most likely going to be drunk. Great. Just what I needed. I went straight up to my room, hoping against hope that I would be okay.

The door slammed. I heard muffled talking, then footsteps on the stairs. Brian came in, angrier and more drunk than I had ever seen him before. "Hello, little bitch. Hope you were looking forward to me coming home." I didn't dare move. "I'm talking to you little shit!" He picked me up by the collar of my shirt and held me to his face. His breath smelled badly of alcohol.

"You want to start talking? No? Well then, let's have a little daddy-daughter time." The door to my room slammed shut, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from his. As soon as the door closed he threw me against the wall. I felt my head hit, and everything went blurry. I tried to get up, but Brian was already pounding me.

"You thought those other times hurt? You haven't felt anything yet you piece of shit!" He was right. Every blow felt like a bullet piercing my skin. How long he went I don't know, but when it did end, I couldn't move. I couldn't even feel my legs. Please don't be paralyzed... oh god please no. Brian left and slammed the door, leaving me bleeding and helpless on the floor.

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