Chapter One

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<> <> Sparrow <> <>

I walked silently with my head down. My blue and white scarf was snugly tucked around me, covering part of my face including my mouth. Sneers and taunts were thrown my way, but by now I had learned to ignore them. I kept walking down the hall in silence.

The girl without a voice. No one knew my actual name. By now the teacher knew who I was and didn't bother calling out my name. No one did, so no one knew.

While I was walking, I realized I had an audience. Turning slightly I looked at them. Oh great, Jayson and his cronies... I turned back around again rolling my eyes. Jayson snickered and continued following me until I reached my locker.

"Hey G, what's that smell? Oh, I know..." Jayson turned to look at me. For just a split second our eyes met. His eyes held anger, but not for me. He was angry at someone else. So why pick on me? She was adept to reading people through their eyes. I moved my eyes away. Jayson continued what he was saying without moving. "Pickle breath." His cronies laughed at the nickname.

I held in a sigh. Bullies only do something to get a reaction. The best way to strike back is to not give them one.

It worked. As I turned around again I saw Jayson was even angrier. I smiled, which made him mad even more. "Bitch, I'm talking to you." He grabbed my arm, just hard enough it hurt. I winced but still made no sound.

"When I speak to you, I want an answer." He slapped me. "Now, what do you say?" I stayed silent. He hit me hard in the ribs and yelled, "what do you say?!" Tears were gathering behind my eyes but I pulled them back. My ribs felt as if someone had stabbed me. He had broken one of my ribs.

He hit me again and again, but still I stayed silent. I would never give anyone like him the satisfaction of hearing my voice. Eventually, his cronies pulled him off me. By that time I was sure he had broken me, but I still gathered enough strength to stand.

My legs shook violently as if someone had poured ice water on them. It was cold outside, but I always wore enough to keep me warm. I saw a teacher coming towards me, her heels clicking on the cool ground.

"Jayson, what do you think you're doing out here? You were supposed to be in class an hour - oh my god!" She stopped completely in her tracks as she saw me. "Jayson! What happened?"

Jayson shook off his friends. "She attacked me. It was self-defense I swear." He was panting, but he looked at me with a gleam of triumph in his eyes.

"Well, we'll see about that." She came over to me and helped me up. I flinched as she reached out to touch me, moving away from her. No... no more... don't touch me... I clenched my eyes shut, memories flooding my mind of all the times I was beaten. The pain from each one called out like I was reliving it over and over again.

The teacher tried again to help me but I once again shuffled away from her. No, him. A man stood above me, glaring down at me. He hit me again and again. "You worthless piece of shit! Why can't you do anything right?" My face turned cold as tears free flowed from them.

"No... No, no, no, no, no..." I said this in barely a whisper, sounding more like sobbing. I backed up further and further, but I ran into something before I could get away from him. He took my wrist, squeezing it until I was sure it would pop off. He held me still while he punched me more and more. More tears formed at my eyes, but something snapped me out of my memories.

I was being shaken by my shoulders, fresh pain shooting along my ribs and up my spine. I felt the coming signs of a migraine pushing its way into my head. Someone was calling my name, but I couldn't hear what they were saying. Then...

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