Chapter Twenty-Two

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<> <> Sparrow <> <>

I woke up when Jayson stirred next to me. I yawned, my eyes opening halfway. Sunlight was streaking through the window. Jayson slowly got up, stretching. I heard a few loud pops, then he sighed and got up.

"Aww... won't you stay a bit longer...?" I whined. I let out a small laugh and shook his head. I caught a glimpse of his eyes. They were tired as if he didn't sleep much last night. "You alright?"

He hesitated, then let out a long sigh. "No... I- I'm sorry Sparrow..." I was confused. It obviously showed on my face. "I... I lied to you. I went to Feyer last night, the guy who finds the fights for me to stop..." I felt my eyes widen, but it was like I was watching from the outside. I was frozen to the spot. "Have... have you heard of Blacklite?" I nodded. Almost everyone had. "Well, that's me." My eyes widened even more. I felt like any more and they would pop out of my head.

"N-No, that's not true. That can't be true. He... he wears a black hood with glowing streaks, he..." Jayson turned off the lights and went to his closet. He pulled out a box and took a midnight-black hoodie and hit a button on the inside of the sleeve. The arms lit up, just like I heard Blacklite's were supposed to.

"I'm sorry for not telling you... I just... Not even my parents know." We stood in silence for quite a while.

"Then... why are you telling me now?" I asked.

He looked down. "Feyer told me he could teach you to fight. You could train. You could be like me. You could watch my back out there. You..." he trailed off. "I understand if you don't like me anymore..."

A minute passes by. Then another, and another. Neither of us moves. Then I sit on the bed. He follows suit and sits next to me. I didn't know how to process this. My boyfriend... Jayson is Blacklite? He... he wants me to watch his back out there? As another rogue? I look over at him. He didn't look at me. He thinks I hate him... As usual, I screwed up.

I've at least learned to try to make up for it now. I put a hand on his. He follows my arm up to my face. "I... I want to meet Feyer..." At first, he just looked at me. Then, his mind seemed to process what I was saying and his face split into a smile.

"We'll need to do it tonight. No one can know." I think about everything that was going on right now. Then I almost facepalm.

"Jayson... what about our date?" Jayson did do a facepalm.

"I had completely forgotten..."

I chuckled. Then, I pulled the tickets from the end table. I looked at the time. 8:45 "We can make it to both."

He looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "You sure you're okay staying up that late?" I nod.

"You do, so why not me?" He smiles and we embrace. Jayson hides his hoodie, then walks out of the room.

"Well, let's get started with the day, shall we?" I smile and take his outstretched hand with a giggle.

<> <> Jayson <> <>

I think the movie was a big hit. Sparrow and I left after watching a Christmas movie. It was sweet, but sad at the same time. "That was a great movie." Sparrow leaned against my arm. She had a tone of nervousness in her voice.

"You alright?" She nodded, then laced her fingers with mine.

"Just nervous about meeting this 'Feyer'." I understood what she meant. The first time I met him I felt like walls were closing in on me and squeezing me. He was intimidating.

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