Chapter Sixteen

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<> <> Sparrow <> <>

We sat for a long time. I watched as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, but his eyes never left mine. Not once. They pleaded with me to believe him, to see that there was truth in his story. But is there? I didn't know whether to believe him or not. I had already given him a second chance. Should he get a third? What if he needs a fourth or a fifth? I Eventually got up and started walking away. I heard Jayson get up.

"Sparrow...?" He called out my name tentatively. He's afraid of the answer... I couldn't... there was no way I could. A tear dripped down my cheek, falling off my chin. Turning, I opened my mouth, but I was surprised by Jayson and took a step back.

He was close to me, looking down with worry. It was the last thing I needed. I threw my arms around him. I heard him let out a shuddery sigh, relief clear in his voice. He does care... he might not have told me about Mya or the crash, but he does care. I buried my face into his chest, tears streaming from my eyes. I felt wet tears hit my head. Jayson was crying too.

"Jayson! Sparrow! Thank god!" I heard Eveline sigh as she ran up to me. "They got Veronica trying to leave the parking lot. They took the evidence, but they know it was tampered with so they want you for your account. Plus, since they know the evidence was tampered with to make you look guilty, they're looking at Sally to see if she paid the officer and the driver." I let out a soft chuckle, closing my eyes. Jayson's mine. He is and always will be my protector... my angel... We broke apart a little, looking into each other's eyes. My wings...  We both smiled. "Um, guys?" Eveline stood awkwardly to the side.

We both laughed, following her into the parking lot. "What? Seriously, guys, you are so annoying!"

<> <> Jayson <> <>

As we rode to the police station, I watched Sparrow. She was looking out the window with longing as if the snow called to her. I saw something there, something I had seen before; it was a type of sadness, but it was more inward. I pulled her closer to me.

At my touch, she jumped, but when she realized it was me she leaned into me, closing her eyes. "Hey, little birdie... what's wrong?" She tensed as soon as I said it. Then she relaxed again, sighing and shaking her head. Her brown hair flowed behind her, and I found myself brushing it with my fingers, the silky strands soothing me and her both. 

Finally, we arrived at the police station and got out of the car. Sparrow had almost fallen asleep and I had to shake her to wake her up. She mumbled something and got up. I still couldn't get used to her voice. It was beautiful; small and frail, but there was a quiet strength behind it, just like there was with her.

Walking in, I felt like I was in the middle of a crowd. Sparrow pulled herself closer to me, hugging my arm. Walking through the police officers and people of all kinds, we slowly made our way to the other end, where we were supposed to meet the officer who would take my statement. I heard Sparrow gasp slightly every time she bumped into someone.

When we finally reached the officer the doors to the station burst open. Veronica was marched in by two officers, continuously struggling against their grip. She froze when she saw Sparrow. "You!" Sparrow shrank away from Veronica, her eyes wide with fear. Veronica's face contorted with anger, and with a heave, she threw off the two officers and lunged at Sparrow. "You little freak! This is all your fault! You're the one who did all this! If you hadn't come along then Sally wouldn't have left, and I wouldn't be here. It's all your fault, you bitch!"

Veronica was screaming at Sparrow, a hand gripping her throat. Officers tried pulling them apart, but Veronica's grip was iron. Anger swelled up in my stomach. "Get off her you SICK SHIT!" I stormed over, grabbing Veronica's arm and yanking it downward. Sparrow gasped and collapsed on the floor, taking in rasping, shaky breaths. Veronica looked at me in anger, but the anger turned into fear as she saw my face.

Officers once again swarmed us. I threw her hand back to her side. Veronica backed away slowly. "You... actually care... for that broken... good for nothing... ragdoll...?" Her eyes were wide with a mixture of fear and surprise. She was breathing heavily. I glared at her, but as I was about to lunge at her, a hand slid into mine.

I looked down at Sparrow. She was still breathing heavily, but her eyes told me all I needed. I sighed and relaxed, bending down and helping Sparrow off the ground. I turned to Veronica. "Yes, because Sparrow is the best person I know. She's better than you, that's for sure. It's not her fault Sally is sick -"

"She's right..." A quiet whisper broke through the commotion. Both me and Veronica looked at Sparrow. "She's right... none of this would have happened if I wasn't here... It's my fault... Sally wouldn't have... wouldn't have..." She started sobbing quietly. Veronica smirked.

"Well, would you look at that. Looks like someone agrees with me." I slowly stood to my full height. I was at least a foot taller than her, and six inches taller than anyone there. As soon as she said it regret flickered in her eyes.

"She only agrees because she's been around sick people like you, who cram shit into her head just to see what happens. Well, guess what? Fun's over." I shot my fist out and struck her hard in the stomach. She doubled over, coughing and spluttering. Officers grabbed me and Veronica, keeping me from doing anything else.

No one treats my Sparrow that way. No one.  I shook the officers off of me, grunting and putting an arm around Sparrow. I pulled her to my chest, looking down at her. She was crying heavily. Let it out. Let it all out. It's alright. I turned to see Eveline standing there, stunned.

"Please, take her home. Make sure she gets some rest." Eveline stood rooted to the spot, but after a moment shook her head to clear it and nodded. I watched as Sparrow went, suddenly feeling lonely and afraid for her. If this is love, it's torture and heaven at the same time. I walked after Veronica and the officers, ready to give my statement.

They sat both of us in separate rooms. I could tell it was an interrogation room. A one-way mirror, a table, and a few chairs. "Hello, mister..." 

"Jayson Lota," I finished for him. He nodded.

"Mr. Lota, would you like to explain that fiasco out there?" I told him what happened, and he nodded. "Alright. Now, about Sparrow..." I tensed up. What does she have to do with this? "You're going to cooperate, or else you won't like what happens." I looked down at the mic. It was turned off. 

"What's going on?" The officer held up a hand to silence me. The door clicked open.

A voice I had hoped to never hear again spoke, sly and demanding. "Hello, Jayson. Having fun with your new sweetie?" Sally stood in front of me, smiling a devilish grin. "Oh, we're going to have so much fun..."

I knew how much trouble I was in when I felt the cold metal around my wrist and heard the click that seemed to echo through my mind in an endless loop.

Sparrow's Song | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora