Chapter Twenty-One

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<> <> Sparrow <> <>

I stared at the screen. Merrill, Oregon? Isn't that here? I looked at Jayson, who looked stunned.

The TV shut off. Steven sighed, putting the remote down once again. "So, I'll look around, try to see if I can get any other jobs." Clara, who had been silent with the rest of us, spoke up first.

"I can help with money. I work for an online college. It's not much, but it should help." Lauren looked kindly at her. Jayson finally moved. Lauren looked at him, then her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No. No way. You can't do that, you still have school." I looked from Lauren to Jayson.

"Do... what?" The conversation continued as if I hadn't even opened my mouth.

"I can now, during our break. It'll help, and I'll be sure to-"

Lauren didn't let him finish. "No, and that's final. It's way too dangerous." My heart thudded louder. Dangerous...? 

"What's dangerous?" I demanded. Again, I was ignored.

Steven spoke up, adding his voice to the argument. "We really could use the money..."

"Steven!" Lauren let out an exasperated gasp. He looked uncomfortable.

"But..." he emphasized this. "It wouldn't do you any good with what's happened to you. And this family has had enough to worry about without you getting yourself hurt."

I could tell my face was red. I didn't care if people talked about me behind my back. I didn't care if they laughed at me and made fun of me. But what I could not stand was being ignored. "HEY!" I yelled angrily. Silence immediately followed. "What is so dangerous? What are you guys talking about?"

Jayson looked at me uncomfortably. "Well, you see we've had money problems before, and I-" Lauren cut him off before he could continue.

"He breaks up fights for money. Bar fights, street fights. He has a so-called friend that keeps an ear out for any word of an oncoming fight - rivalries, tensions, previous fights - and tells him. Then he trounces off to keep them apart or break them up." Jayson shuffled his feet and bounced on his heels. He was nervous about my response. I realized that they were waiting for me for a decision.

I took a deep breath, then exhaled slowly. Eveline spoke up. "Why are you waiting on her for a response? It's not like she's the one that makes all the decisions for him. I looked at her with a grateful look, then turned to look at Jayson.

"Well... we've got one for, one against, and one who doesn't care," Clara said. Lauren glared at Steven. That's true... they're waiting for a tie-breaker. I closed my eyes. On one side, the money would definitely help. On the other, he could get seriously hurt. 

"I... I..." An image of Jayson lying broken and bruised on the group popped into my head. "I can't see you get hurt..." It was barely a whisper. I couldn't look at Jayson. He's probably mad at me now.

An arm slid around me. I looked up and saw Jayson there. His small smile was disappointed, but not mad. For some reason, that didn't make me feel any better. "Fine. I'll stay out of it." A flicker of something flew through his eyes, but it was gone before I realized it. It must've been my mind playing tricks on me. I closed my eyes and embraced him in a warm hug.

<> <> Jayson <> <>

I lay silently. Sparrow was sleeping peacefully and quietly next to me, curled up with her back against my side. I looked at the time. 11:42. Time to go. I got up quietly, trying my best not to wake Sparrow.

I can't believe I lied to her. After all she's been through I added to it by lying to her. I felt bad, but we needed the money. Walking into the bathroom I changed quickly. I walked out with my usual attire for this: blue jeans and a black hoodie which had buttons in the sleeves. I had it designed specifically for me. Not even my parents knew about it.

I walked out, heading to Feyer's building. Feyer Foreigner was my "employer", but we were more friends than business associates. I thought of what he might say. My mom found out about my nightly exploits and immediately insisted it stop. I wasn't doing anything illegal, but I was getting myself hurt from time to time. I was actually fairly good at keeping the peace.

I walked up to the building and met two guards. I had my hood up, so they didn't see who I was. They stepped in front of me, blocking me. I smiled under my hood. I missed this. "No one meets Feyer without an appointment," one of the guards said.

"I don't need an appointment," I told them. One of them chuckled.

"Look who he thinks he is. Maybe I should put him in his place." I let out a low chuckle. "What's so funny?"

I said nothing but hit the buttons in my sleeves. My hoodie lit up, white light flowing up my arms and then down my front, outlining my zipper. They both stepped aside immediately. "S-sorry Blacklite... we didn't-"

"I'll tell your boss..." I said, pausing for a moment. I could see the anticipation on their face. "...that you both are wonderful at your job." They both looked stunned as I hit the buttons in my sleeves again, walking inside.

The way that it works is there is a glowing fluid called "Glownite", which glows silvery white in dark places. Feyer had the wonderful idea of creating a sort of "Green Arrow" alter-ego for me. My name was, of course, was "Blacklite".

I walked into the building and headed for the top floor. Guards eyed me warily, but I knew they trusted the ones outside. I've been here before. I could take all these guards down by myself if I needed it.

I stepped into Feyer's office. His business was a legitimate one, with bodyguards to guard clients, break up fights, and in some cases even start some when the police needed a distraction. Feyer had his back to me.

"I don't remember an appointment today..." he turned to me. All he saw was someone in a black hoodie. "How did you get past my guards?" I smiled and took my hood off.

His face went from curiosity to surprise. "Jayson! It's wonderful to see you again!" I nodded.

"Likewise, though I have news. My dad was let go from Wilson's today. Our family needs some income." Feyer smiled at me as I explained my situation.

"Well," Feyer started "I'm glad your back. I'm afraid life has been rather dull without you. My renegade running through the streets." We both laughed. "So, how have you been?"

"Well... I um..." I blushed a little. "I'm with someone... Her name's Sparrow, you might've heard of her." Feyer's face lit up, but he nodded for me to continue. "She's great. She was... shy... at first, but now we're almost inseparable." Feyer smiled.

"Does she know how to fight?" I was a little taken aback, but I shook my head. "Well, we'd be happy to train her if you want."

"She doesn't actually know I'm here."

Ahhh, I see." He gave me one of his signature grins. "I was just thinking how amazing it would be to have a sidekick for you." I nodded. Now that I thought about it, the idea might appeal to Sparrow.

"Well, I'll need a job, but I need one in two days. I want to ask Sparrow about your offer." Feyer grinned again, nodding. He told me he would see what he could do, then I left, heading back to the house. I snuck in, taking off my "suit", if you will, and putting my pajamas on. I thought about how I should ask Sparrow as I slipped into my bed and wrapped my arms around her. She sighed and shrank into my arms for comfort. The Songbird... That's a good hero name... I lost myself in my dreams, the last thing I hear being Sparrow's sweet breathing.


So... what do you think of Jayson's hidden life? Do you think Sparrow is going to accept Feyer's offer? She definitely doesn't want Jayson to get hurt, but would that cause her to go out and watch his back or pull him away from it all?

Tell me what you all think!


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