Chapter Eight

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<> <> Sparrow <> <>

I felt like I was floating. I knew I was dreaming but at the same time... not very many words can describe what I felt. Where am I? Slowly, my surroundings came into view. The steady beeping of machines, doctors in white coats. Oh no... I looked up. The doctor gave me a sad smile, saying words I didn't know the meaning of. Two words that echoed through my mind, however, scared me. "...almost died..." I shook my head, tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Mom, no!" I tried to run to her, the machines beeping faster. She smiled a sad smile.

"Honey... it's alright... you'll meet people who'll care for you... I love you..." The monitor flatlined.

The flatlining turned into a ringing in my ears. A migraine pulsed through my head. I couldn't move anything. My eyes were fused shut. I groaned. No... I want to see what's happening... where am I? What happened? Voices chattered nearby, the words confusing and twisted. Then, like a translator, they became clear. "She's stable for now, but let's not pull our hopes up. With all the damage she's seen, I'm surprised she hasn't thrown herself off a cliff to end it."

The last two words reverberated in my mind. End it. I did want to end it. I'd lost count of all the times I had lacked the courage to end it. A knife to my throat, jumping off a bridge, overdosing. I hadn't been able to do it. I wanted to end it now. Every small thought hurt beyond anything before, any movement was impossible, and I was sure that I had lost my stomach and intestines, which felt like they were on fire.

I tried once again to open my eyes. Nothing. The voices next to me, however, quieted as one of them said, "be quiet, she's awake." Silence followed for a moment, then I heard the voice even closer. "What's your name sweetheart?" I slowly shook my head. Why can't I see? I tried to raise an arm, but they were as heavy as lead. My legs were too. Why won't my eyes open? I moved my head around. "Well, we'll need a name for you." I opened my mouth. My throat felt like leather and my tongue like sandpaper.

A familiar voice spoke up. "Her name's Sparrow. She... she's my sister." The doctor sighed. Another moment of silence, then they were whispering. I could hear them.

"I'm sorry, but she's currently blind. A knife has slashed her eyes. We can heal them, but it's expensive." I heard Eveline inhale sharply like she always did to keep herself from crying. Another moment of silence, then Eveline's voice was next to her.

"Hey, little songbird... the doctor... he says -"

"Blind..."I interrupted her. A small sob sounded next to me.

"Yeah... It would be expensive to fix, and we both know my dad..." I nodded slowly. I now realized that both of my eyes were already open, and I could move them freely. I turned them to the source of the voice. Eveline gasped a little. "It... it's like you can see me... it's actually a little creepy." We both laughed a little bit.

"So... what happened?" I blinked, confused. Then, memories flooded my mind. I whimpered as each of the fresh wounds screamed. "Sparrow?"

"Sally..." I pulled an arm up to my eyes and pointed. Pin-drop silence followed. Not even footsteps could be heard. Then, I heard Eveline get up and leave.

<> <> Jayson <> <>

A smack sounded right next to my ear. I bolted upright. The kitten, who had been sleeping, jumped into the air. Eveline was standing over me with a book.

"Oh, hey..." I yawned and blinked the sleep from my eyes furiously. When I could see clearly again I saw that Eveline was angry. "What?"

"I don't know, why don't you tell me?" I was thoroughly confused. "Sparr-" She stopped herself right in the middle of saying the girl's name. She inhaled deeply and tried again. "My sister's awake."

I was immediately on my feet. Eveline, however, shoved me back down on the bench. She was much stronger than she looked. "She's blind, both her eyes slashed. Apparently, your little princess is to blame."

My hands curled into fists. "That... damned..." Eveline backed up.

"So... you didn't know about this?" I shook my head at her furiously.

"Why would you even think that?" She shrugged. "Sally's gonna get it now. I was just gonna break up with her, but I don't think that'd cut it, do you?" She shook her head, smiling. She knew what he meant.

"Though, there is another thing..." Eveline sat down, then took a big breath. "Her eyes can be fixed, but it's expensive. And... and my dad controls all of the family funds." My fists unclenched, and I put a hand on her shoulder.

"I'll help out." She looked up at me.

"Really?" I nodded. She perked up. "Oh my god! Thank you!" Unexpectedly, she threw her arms around me. I sat frozen for a moment until she let go. I could see tears edging their way out of her eyes. She ran out of the hospital, leaving me stunned there on the bench. I decided to visit the girl. Maybe she would be willing to tell me her name. I hoped so.

The small kitten I had found mewled at me. I looked down at it. It was gnawing at a piece of plastic on the ground. I picked up the piece, but the kitten held on with its jaw, hanging off the piece. I put my hand under it in just enough time to catch it. It must be hungry. I started looking for a cafeteria.

Once I had fed the small kitten with some breaded fish - I ate most of it, including the breading - I headed to the girl's room. The doctors there were all clamoring as if something had happened. I walked up to one of them.

"Excuse me, but what's going on?" The doctor turned to me from the two he was talking to.

"The girl in room 204 just flatlined. We don't know what happened. She's been like this for a full three minutes. We're considering declaring her dead." It was like being struck with lightning. He stood rooted to the spot, unable to move. We're considering declaring her dead. These words wouldn't leave his head. He burst through the crowd of doctors and specialists into her room.

The sight of her mangled body was a sad sight. One continuous tone was all I heard. A word popped into my head. Not a word, but a name. Her name. I slowly moved closer to her. He felt somehow responsible for this. A tear dripped down his face. "Sparrow... Oh, Sparrow, I'm so sorry..."

The doctors around him lowered their head silently. I shook my head. It wasn't supposed to end this way. The small kitten that was in my other hand climbed up onto the bed. It looked at Sparrow sadly, then nudged her hand. "Sparrow..." I lowered my head, angry tears falling down my face.

<> <> Sparrow <> <>

I flew above the forest. I felt like one of the stars, watching as the earth spun slowly. I sighed at how beautiful it was. Something, however, caught my eye. The sun was peeking out from behind it, brighter than I had ever seen it. It seemed to grow and embrace me. It was warm and comfortable. It's all so beautiful and wonderful.

I smiled as I thought of all my friends. They would all be so jealous of me. I closed my eyes, my smile growing. My friends. Eveline, Georgie, Hannah, Caroline, Sally... Sally... My eyes opened wide. For some reason something was wrong. I searched my memory for what might be wrong. That's when I found the entire 7 years of my life that I was missing. Sally... she had been a good friend, but then...

I shook my head. These couldn't have been real memories. These were planted there by something trying to impede on her happiness. Jayson... I gasped. I remember him. He was... He's waiting for me. She stopped floating, falling down to the earth. The last glimpse she saw of this wonderful world was her mother and father, her mother smiling sadly. I love you...

Sparrow's Song | ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang