Chapter Three

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<> <> Jayson <> <>

I looked at the clock. The bell was about to ring, and she still wasn't here. She had never missed a day, even when she was sick. Even though I kept reminding myself who she was, I couldn't help but worry. I watched the door. Shuffling came from it, and I tensed in my seat. Maybe she did make it.

Sally walked in. I sighed, turning back around and looking down at my notebook. Where is she? The silent girl that I had beaten just yesterday wasn't here. I didn't mean to do any serious damage, but if I had I would never forgive himself.

"Oh, baby what's wrong?" Sally sat in the seat next to me. I looked at her, then down at my desk.

"That silent girl isn't here." I looked at the desk in the back corner, the one she normally sat in. "I hope I didn't do anything serious to her." Sally groaned.

"Jayson quit worrying about her. You have me. That's all you need." She folded her arms and turned to the front as if what she said made me feel better. It didn't.

The class seemed to go by slowly. I kept looking at the clock. Normally I was anxious to get out of class, but this time something seemed to be wrong with the silent girl. The teacher noticed my continuous glances at the clock.

"Jayson, the class will be over when it's over. Pay attention." I jumped at the voice but then shook my head. The rest of the class started laughing. "Alright everyone, hush up."

I kept my head down. Man, I was such an idiot. Why did I even beat her? I was so mad at Sally that day that I had taken it out on her. I didn't mean to, but... I closed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair in frustration. Still five more minutes...

The teacher told them they were okay to pack up. I took my notebook and pencils and stuffed them in my bag, going over to the door and leaning against the wall. I was eager to get out. Maybe Eveline knows. They're sisters, right? I rubbed my head. I had gotten a headache from thinking so much.

Sally came over next to me. "So babe, see you later." She smiled and went to kiss me on the lips. I didn't react. Huffing out a puff of air, she marched away just as the bell rang. It was a good thing I had next class with Eveline.

As I walked through the door to my English class, however, I saw that Eveline looked scared. I went over to her.

"Hey, is everything alright?" Eveline shook her head. I waited for an explanation.

"My... my dad. He... he beat my sister hard last night. When I went to go wake her up this morning he told me to leave her." My eyes widened. Eveline knew what I was thinking. "Don't you dare. You've done enough to her. It was lucky he didn't kill her. You tell anyone and I'll make sure you don't see anyone else again." I looked at her to see if she was serious. Her face was angry.

"Okay, okay. I'll zip it." I sighed. "I thought I had done something to her yesterday..." One of Eveline's friends stood from where she was on the wall.

"What'd you do to her yesterday hunk?"

I shrugged and shook my head. "I only ran into her in the hallway. We bumped into each other. That's it. Though I did hear she passed out yesterday too." Eveline's face went dark. "What?"

"Ev, don't. You don't wanna mess that up." Eveline shot her a look but didn't say anything.

I was so confused. "What? What do you mean? I don't-" Eveline shook her head, showing me not to dig around that. "Fine. Whatever." I walked over to my normal spot. Surprisingly, Eveline followed. "What's up?"

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