Juvia spotted the last one under the music desk she ran over to get it her wet hair clinging to her. She could only reach one arm in, Juvia without much thought of anything else stretched out grabbing the ring and Gray stopped the timer his face was expressionless "13 minutes and 2 seconds." They had gotten full points but Gray didn't look happy at all. Their ropes fluttered to the floor.

"Gray-sama what's wrong?"

"Where'd you get that scar Juvia?"

How could she have been so foolish. The scar on her arm was there, she was so engrossed in the thought of spending so much time with Gray and enjoying herself that she never even considered it! 

Juvia spun around and ran as fast as she could away to her room.

She found her clothes back so put on a shirt and shorts then slowly walked back to the lobby knowing she would feel Mira's wrath if she wasn't there. So there she was telling Levy, Lucy and Erza what happened She was going to leave out the scar part but they were her best friends and she knew the inevitable that they would find out soon enough.

Juvia sighed "Juvia promises to tell you but... please not yet." She looked down remembering what happened.

Erza patted her shoulder "of course Juvia."

Juvia gave a weak smile.

"Okay listen up everyone!" Mira yelled.

Everyone looked over at her and she cleared her throat. "So in the lead is team Jerza with 40 points!"

Jellal and Erza smirked. Natsu yelled "but the highest you could get was 30 points?!"

"Ah but they got bonus points!"

"For doing what?"

"They had a passionate-"

Jellal and Erza shouted "who came second Mira?!" Quickly changing the subject.

"Joints second is team Nalu and team Gruvia!"

Natsu began to shoot death glared to Gray and Juvia but they were just looking down at their feet looking sad.

"Third is team Gale with 25 points because someoneee."  Mira coughed "Gajeel" then coughed again "was late."

Gajeel just waved her off.

"Fourth is team Rowendy with 20 points!"

"Fifth is team Elfgreen with 10 points!"

Elfman just grumbled "real men don't do canoeing."

Mira clapped her hands together "since you have all worked so hard together we're going to the spa!"

The girls cheered and the guys just said small 'yays.'

"Because this hotel is so strict it had to be the boys in one room and the girls in another room." Mira folded her arms and huffed.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

"So go get changed and come to the spa!"

Everyone marched off and Juvia just dragged her feet to her room. Most of them were off running to change. Juvia didn't want to turn down a spa but she would need to be extra careful she would keep her wits about her.

When Juvia entered the room all the girls were already in bikini's.

"Guys?" Juvia asked.

They all turned and smiled "what's up?" Lucy asked.

Juvia sighed "you're going to see it sooner or later and you're my best friends so I'm going to show you it and get it over with."

Their faces turned serious.

Juvia let her hand hover over her the inside of her forearm, she waved it downwards and with a swirl a swirl of water that was knitted on it was pulled off. There it revealed the scar running along her forearm, that she always hid with her magic. It was horrible, only giving her bad memories with its pinkish glare.

They all gasped and Lucy breathed out "Juvia..."

Juvia then turned back around "Juvia promises she will tell you what happened but not today let's just enjoy ourselves and have some fun, okay?"

"Okay..." they mumbled.


Hello! This is being written about 2 years after this chapter was first released. I am currently heavily editing all of this and I did want to take out the scar part just because it wasn't me keeping true to Juvia. But a few people have said they quite like the story so I'm changing it to a smaller scar on her arm.

There you have chapter nine! I decided to add that in to put some drama in but it won't all be drama and sadness. I'll make sure it's still fun!

I'll try get chapter ten up soon for you all!

And also I need some help I was thinking of doing a fancy dress party as a special chapter. Can you guys comment ideas of who people should go as because I'm stuck but I did think maybe Levy could go as Ramona Flowers! Well please comment ideas!

Thanks for reading!

Please comment and vote!


Fairy Tail Adventure Resort (Nalu, Gruvia, Jerza, Gajevy)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें