Dead Inside, and now out

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3rd POV

D/n walked around the the room, sarcastically admiring the objects in their located places. "What just happened?!" Peter whisper yells. "She looks like y/n when she was affected by the virus..." Tony whispers back. "No SH-! " "LANGUAGE! " Steve says walking into the lab. "Does anyone know why y/n is choking the stuffing out of Sam?"

"WHAT?!" Tony and Peter yelled together. "Yeah, he told her a joke and she just snapped. Her rage must've upgraded. " Steve shrugged. "How and when did she even get upstairs? " Tony muttered while Peter raced to where d/n is, hearing Sam's high pitched scream.

"Tony, what happened? " Steve asked. Tony took a big breath. "Well, we we're trying to get rid of y/n's evil side, and it worked, but her dark side literally came out of her and now y/n won't wake up and that's the evil one upstairs and... " "Tony, chill, please. " Steve placed a hand on Tony's shoulder.

"Hey! He deserved it. 'What do you call a fake noodle? An impasta? 'That's the stupidest joke I ever heard! " D/n screams as Peter holds her hand, pulling her down the stairs, trying to keep her away from upstairs. "I know, but I can't let you go back up there. " Peter says, closing his eyes, still hearing Sam's cries.

Tony and Steve face Peter and D/n. "Ok, d/n, tell us why you're here. " Tony asked. "You brought me here. " D/n rolls her eyes. "What do you mean I brought you here? I didn't do anything to make you... " "Have anyone told you how wrong you always are? " D/n smirks.

"Never! " Tony claims. 3 glares shot towards him. "Most of the time. But what does that have to do with anything? "

"Your so-called it'll-work plan didn't. I'm mean, it did, but also didn't. " D/n said. The 3 males exchange looks. "What? " Peter runs his fingers through his hair.

"Ok, so his plan kinda backfire. It did suck the evil out of y/n, aka me, but it sucks me out for real. I actually should be a shadow, but somehow I'm not. And also as I got sucked out, so did her soul. So, y/n's pretty much dead now. "

"WHAT?! " The boys scream. "Yeah, it shocking, right? " D/n says sarcastically, looking at her nails. "Then how are you not dead? " Peter asked. D/n looks up. "Oh, I'm not part of y/n, well, kinda. But I'm just her personalities in her head, one of them. "

"THERE'S MORE OF THEM?! " Tony screeched. "Damn, your loud. Duh! Why wouldn't there be? " D/n respond.

"How did you come out but the others didn't? " Peter asked. "You were trying to just suck the evil out of her, not the happiness, or sadness or whatsoever. " D/n started to sound bored. "Are we done now? "

D/n walks off and the males turn around. Tony started towards the computer and checked a few things. "The system didn't glitch, it's fine, what happened then? " The boys stared off to space and thought.

"Oh god... " Peter started. "What? " Steve asked, turning to Peter in concern. "We did take out her evil and dark side and her soul. Because the evil is her soul. " Peter said.

"Ding! Ding! Ding! The boy got it! " D/n called from the other room. Tony rolled his eyes. "So, y/n isn't the normal, happy one we see? " "No, but why would she hide it from us? " Peter thought again.

"Oh! " Tony suddenly said, making everyone slightly jump. "I remember this time, it was when y/n was 10 years old. She was always depressed and rude. Everyone kept one bothering her, asking if she was ok. She literally just snapped and went to her room. The next day, she was all happy and cheerful, and nobody bother her anymore. She changed her personality so she can be left alone. "

"That makes so much sense." Steve added on. "She was always in her room, wanting privacy but we never gave it to her. And I guess every girl... And Bucky... needs their privacy. "

"Yeah, everything still seems confusing, but it makes sense now. Y/n is dead inside. And now out. " Peter stared at y/n's body.

"We need to put her soul back in. " Tony said. "D/n! We need to-"

Steve and Peter exchange confused look because of Tony's scared look. "What? " They both said.

Tony pointed at the slightly open window. "She's gone. "

All the boys stood staring at the window. "Fuck." Peter muttered. "Language." (We all know who said that. 😉)

A/n: I'm soo sorry for not updating. I had a lot going on. Basketball tryouts, Cross Country, school, tests, grounded. I wanted to update now and if I get off punishment soon, I'll updated as much as I can for y'all next week, since I have full 7 days off.

Bye friends.

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