Annoying and Vulgar Seniors

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"What is your relation to Sasuke?" the pinkette inquired.

"He's my younger brother." Itachi stated flatly turning his attention to Kakashi who was currently passing out quizzes.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me. A quiz on the first day?" Hidan yowled.

"Yeah. C'mon Kakashi! Why would you do this to us?" a hulking man with blue-tinted skin added. He closely resembled a shark which Sakura thought was both intriguing and unnerving.

"I won't be grading these necessarily I just want to make sure everyone is on the same page before we cover any new material," He explained. "It's kind of like a placement test. I am just trying to figure out where everyone stands."

Kakashi returned to his desk and pulled out a book as the scratches of pencil on paper filled the room.

Sakura glanced over the quiz and almost laughed. It was basic knowledge of sentence structure and parts of speech. These were things almost everyone learned in early elementary school. She was very confident that she would pass it with flying colors.


The bubblegum haired girl arose from her chair after she was finished. She had completed in it record time. She walked up to Kakashi's desk to hand in her quiz and upon getting a better look at the book her sensei was reading narrowly resisted the urge to gag in disgust.

'How in the hell did this guy get a teaching job? He is actually reading smut in front of his students.' Sakura quipped repulsed. A moment later the class was snickering behind her.

"Damn hot bitch! That was hilarious! I like you!" Hidan guffawed.

Realization dawned on Sakura and she gave her sensei an apologetic look mortification burning her cheeks. "Sorry." She mumbled scurrying to her seat hiding her face in arms.

"Haha! Pinky you're a hoot!" the shark man hollered.

"Pinky? Really, Sushi, couldn't come up with anything more original? Had to comment on my hair?" Sakura shot back her face still buried.

"Sexy bitch burned you good Kisame!" the silver haired man shouted chuckling again.

Kisame sent Sakura a withering look. "I can call you whatever I want, Pinky."

Sakura growled in annoyance but declined to make another comment. She refused to talk to those idiots any longer, she could just feel her IQ dropping. She knew they were intentionally getting under her skin and she was not going to be playing their games.

The rest of the hour she doodled in her notebook and sent glares at the clock hoping to move it with some telepathic powers she didn't know she had. Sadly, all it did was give her a headache. The bell rang at 10:20 and she bolted from her seat and tore off down the hall.

Sakura was halfway down the hallway when she realized she had no idea where the art and theatre room was which was her next class. She stopped dead in her tracks, students passed her and gave her odd looks as she stood in the center of the hall.

She was about to ask someone for instructions when Sasori and Deidara sauntered up to her. She made a face and started to point out that she wasn't in the mood for any of their crap and they better have a good reason to be bothering her, when Sasori interrupted her.

"Why are you standing in the middle of the hall? Are you lost?" he questioned his face look as disinterested as always but his eyes showing mild curiosity. "What's your next class?"

"It's art and theatre with Anko and Yamato." She returned examining her schedule once more.

Deidara's face lit up and he snatched Sakura's hand and began pulling her down the hall. "Let's go Sakura-chan! That's the class Sasori and I have too!"

Sakura picked up her pace to where she was almost running to avoid falling. Deidara was practically sprinting in excitement. The speed of his strides and his grip on her arm was actually beginning to hurt, Sakura was going to point out he was being a bit forceful, when Sasori smacked the blonde's hand away.

"I am sure Sakura can walk on her own. She doesn't need you to pull her to Anko and Yamato's room." He proclaimed giving his friend a hard look.

Sakura watched as Deidara's thrilled face morphed into one of shame and regret. His azure eyes downcast. "I am sorry, Sakura-chan. I guess I was being a bit too rough, un."

"It is okay, Deidara. Just next time let me follow you instead. I may not look it but I am pretty fast so I could keep up with you." The roseate smiled winking at the blonde boy.

Deidara nodded and continued leading the way to class and light blush dusting the apples of his cheeks.

Of Pink-Haired Girls and Hormonal Teenage BoysNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ