Hungary x Reader: Worry

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She never told her girlfriend in an effort to make her not worry.

She didn't tell her about the pain she'd have to suffer every time she had to go to class.

She didn't tell her the fear she would feel as she would walk down the hallway, praying that Gilbert wouldn't see her as she walked past.

(Y/N) and Elizabeta only had math class together, but other than that, she didn't know how (Y/N) would go about her day-to-day life in other classes and in the hallways.

Sure, they hung out and texted, but, within the boundaries of the school, Elizabeta and (Y/N) didn't talk too much in person because of their busy schedules. They both didn't complain, as they obviously had to go to those classes and they would walk home together anyways.

But, sometimes, (Y/N) would lie.

She would text Elizabeta that she had to go to a club meeting after school, when in reality, she wanted to go to the nearby drug store and clean up the bruising and cuts that were placed on her body from constant bullying.

She didn't want Elizabeta to worry.

She didn't want to be a burden to her confident, loving girlfriend whom she loved very much.

In (Y/N)'s eyes, she was weak. A burden. Someone that could die tomorrow and nobody would care. She would disappear, and it's not that people would not realize; it's that people would cheer that she was gone.

She used to be a girl filled with optimism. Filled with hope. Her smiles were like a ray of sunshine to everyone and she would laugh all of the time. But how can one laugh when they are ridiculed about how they look and act every single day? How can one smile when they are afraid of stepping into the one place that should be safe from bullying? How can she be okay when she is constantly told that she was never okay? How can she go on with her life without... believing them?

After someone tells you the same thing over and over and over again, you can't help but start to doubt your own opinion and begin to believe theirs. In (Y/N)'s case, it just so happened to be an opinion that was slowly leading to her destruction.

One day began as every other one did. (Y/N) heard the knock on the door. She placed the plate that previously held her now-eaten peanut butter and jelly sandwich into the sink and picked up her bag. She opened the door to be greeted by a hug from, in her eyes, the most beautiful woman in all of existence.

She was glad that she was about as tall as Elizabeta, considering she had put on some makeup to cover the bruises on her face, so it wouldn't wipe off when she hugged her back.

"Hey, (Y/N), did you sleep well?"

"Mhm, yeah, I did. How are you?"

"I'm doing well. Besides Gilbert annoying me every morning, as always."

"Haha, yeah." Gilbert and Elizabeta were neighbors too, so every time Gilbert would see the both of them together and tease her, Elizabeta would brush it off as playful teasing. She didn't have the heart to tell the brunette that he wasn't kidding.

They shared how their mornings went, with a couple of laughs shared between the two of them. As they neared the bus stop, (Y/N) saw the white-haired male, and ever-so-slightly, slowed her pace, as she tried to avoid his cunning stares in her attention.

"Hi Elizabeta." He looked at her with a smile and then looked over at the (h/c) female. "Oh, and (Y/N)."

"Hey Gil" Elizabeta smiled, chuckling at him.

"Hi" (Y/N) responded to him, making sure her tone of voice didn't change the atmosphere of the situation, even though she wanted to get as far from him as possible.

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