Nyo!Germany x Kidnapped!Reader: Safe

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This one-shot was requested by Emeraldia1Elessar2 . I know it's been a month since you've requested this, but in turn, this is my longest Oneshot yet with about 3000 words, so I really hope it's what you wanted, and if not, I hope you enjoyed it anyway!


"You've kidnapped me to an empty restaurant?" (Y/N) raised her brows. The man waved his hand and a glassy-eyed server came over to set down drinks and a plate of hors d'oeuvres.

"As if I would be so stupid as to take you to my base so you can have a look around. Isn't that what you wanted? Besides," A gleam entered the man's eyes as he speared one of the appetizers with his fork and held it across the table.

"It's almost like a date, don't you think?" The woman faltered. The man looked rather too knowing when he said that.

"Well, I cannot be on a date with a man that 1) I don't know and 2) kidnapped me. So no, this is not like a date." The woman said as she glanced at the dimmed lighting at the restaurant before immediately turning her attention back to him.

"Well, consider this a blind date then, except, I know everything about you, dear (Y/N). Maybe even more than your dear girlfriend, Monika." The man smirked, knowing that he had hit a touchy subject when he saw the woman wince a bit before repressing her true emotions with a somber and emotionless tone.

"Ex-girlfriend. And what about her? Neither is she relevant to this situation nor is she crucial to my well-being. If you think she is going to be you trick for breaking me down, you're dead wrong."

"Ah, no, sweetie. Actually, you've got it completely backwards." He gets up from his chair on the other side of the table, walking at a slow pace, as if there was nothing that he had to rush for, nothing that he would rather spend doing. "You're not the one that I want." He whispers, bending to reach eye level with her and then nearing her ear.

"She is."

He then moves his head back, to stare back into her eyes, where he could see her strength break, revealing her true emotions of fear and timidness underneath. He then moved closer to her face, feeling her shaky breaths trying to be covered up by impersonating a confident woman, even though she was truly afraid to die. His lips hovered above hers, as he enjoyed the fear changing into disgust and worry for whatever he was about to do. Then, he plunged the knife into her side, maniacally smiling at the idea of the woman in pain. All that was heard was a scream, before the man took out the knife from the woman's side, causing her to scream in agony.

"Scream all you want, doll. Nobody is going to here you." He then stands up straight, turns around to look at the two men standing near the doorway, whom (Y/N) had previously not noted.

"You two. Clean up her wound and take her to the basement. We can't have her severely injured before the big event." He ordered with a smirk. The two man quietly yet swiftly made their way over to her. Theman picked up the fork and placed the food into his mouth calmly as he watched them untie her. He then placed the fork down, gesturing another man to take the plate away, before he turned around, making his way over to the door. As the man began to walk away, he pondered for a moment before turning around.

"Oh and by the way. My name is Allen. It's been a pleasure. Until we meet again, doll."  He then walked through the door, when the two men blindfolded the woman, preventing her from seeing where she was going and leaving her to imagine all of the possibilities of what may happen and how she would get out.


Monika had gone running. She went running a lot more frequently now, as a form of therapy to clear out her mind from the heartbreak of her previous relationship. She didn't deny it; it was mainly her own fault that the relationship ended the way it did. She rarely got to see her girlfriend, much less take her out or figure out what had been going on in her life. The amount of work never ended, and even seemed to increase once she had begun to date (Y/N). Of course, (Y/N) had been patient. They were both countries after all, and she knew that Monika would have a lot of paperwork, but because of it, they began to grow distant. Monika couldn't remember the last time she went on a date with the woman and she knew that, one day, (Y/N) would reach her breaking point; and she did.

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