Greece X Reader: Party

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It was Halloween. And like always, Alfred was holding his annual Halloween party. (Y/N) had gotten an invitation in the mail for said Halloween party, except this time it came with a packet and a letter. She went inside, set the package on the kitchen counter and opened the letter.

Yo (Y/N),

Hey dude, what's up? I wanted to let you know that you're invited to my Halloween party. However, this year there is one condition. I am sending everyone a specific Halloween costume to wear. If you do not wear the costume, you are not allowed into the party. If you have another costume to wear in mind, you'd have to ask me if you could wear it. If I approve, then you're good. If not, you have to wear the costume that I provided. Can't wait to see you at the party, dude!

From, Alfie

(Y/N) grimaced at the idea that the outfit could go many different ways. It was Alfred we were talking about! She then hesitantly opened the package. She pulled out a white Greek goddess dress. The costume featured a sheer gold bodysuit with long sleeves, embellished with a gold trim bodice designed with an asymmetrical drape that extends to the back. It hung from the waistline front and back panels and came with a matching gold headpiece.

(Y/N) sighed, knowing why Alfred had picked the costume that he did. He knew about her crush on the famous feline-lover Heracles Karpusi. The way that cats would follow him wherever he goes. The way he spoke passionately about the history and culture of Greece. The way that would rest his head in his folded arms on the table, and look at her with those green eyes and drowsy smile. She fell in love with him, for his mind and personality. Plus, the body was an added bonus.

She was conflicted. Of course, the dress showed a lot of her skin and those high heels were bound to make her trip but there was also a part of her that wanted to impress the Greek man. She wanted to show him the dress to see if he would appreciate her, not in a narcissistic but in a way that will make her know that her feelings were returned.

She made up her mind and went to go try on the dress.

----------- a Few Days Later------------

(Y/N) arrived at the party. She looked around at the extravagant Halloween decorations. Alfred never ceased to amaze her with his parties, as he always seemed to make his parties better than the year prior. She saw that even though Alfred had picked the outfits, none of them were too bad, so many people had shown up. She paused, realizing that she had a mission to find a Greek man. She walked through the crowd, trying to figure out where he might be. She pondered about it, twirling around, before heading over to the tables of food.

As she walked across the dancefloor, somebody bumped into her. The heels hadn't helped balance her, a few steps to the left before feeling herself fall. A woman turned around, wanting to see what was going on, and (Y/N) knocked into her, her drink spilling all over the white dress. Many people watched now, as (Y/N) picked herself up, looked down at her dress and then back at all of the people.

"Um, I-uh," She stuttered, realizing that she made a fool of herself, "I'll j-just go." She looked down, and pushed her way through the crowd, refusing to look up at anyone.

She made her way outside and took a deep breath. It was much colder than she thought it was going to be, as there wasn't a big crowd radiating body heat. She sat down on the steps and put her head in her hands.

"God, I am such an idiot." She said, feeling warm tears falling down her cheeks. "Why did I think it was such a good idea to come to this stupid party and confess my stupid love to his stupid self. Heracles would never fall for someone like this. Especially with the wine all over the dress." She then felt something stroke her knee.

She looked up and saw a gray kitten looking up at her. She smiled a little and picked the kitten up, resting it on her lap.

"Hey, cutie. What are you doing here all by yourself." (Y/N) whispered, stroking the kitten. "Well, I guess we both get to be alone on Halloween." Then another kitten came up to her, this time a tabby cat. It nuzzled itself up against her leg and rested there. She smiled and questioned why these two cats suddenly showed up. She then heard a noise and looked up.

There stood Heracles with 4-5 more kittens. He had on cat ears and a cat tail and looked at her. He then motioned to the kittens, who looked up at him and pointed at (Y/N). In a serious, monotone voice, he says "Fluff attack."

(Y/N) is then pushed down by many kittens, causing her to laugh to the point of tearing up. Heracles then calls off his cats and holds out his hand, which (Y/N) gladly takes. He lifts her up and looks into her eyes, then down to her dress and back up again.

"You're not an idiot, (Y/N)," He says. (Y/N) realizes that not only did she say her thoughts out loud previously, but Heracles had heard her say it. "From, what I see, you look like a goddess."

"Yes, because of the costume I know but-" She began to say but was cut off by a pair of lips against hers. She was startled at first but then melted into the kiss. She was happy. Of course, it wasn't what she had expected as a reaction, but she sure as hell would take the opportunity. He then pulled away and whispered in her ear "No, definitely not because of the costume." He then grabbed her hand and turned around, making his way to his car.

(Y/N), confused, asks, "Heracles wh-where are we going?" He doesn't stop and says, "To my car."

"Wh-Why?" (Y/N) asks, trying to figure out a logical explanation for what just happened. He then stops, turns around, and grabs her shoulders.

"You can't say that dressing up as such an important figure in my country, covering yourself in wine - a drink I love very much - and attracting my cats to your heavenly self is not a sign that we should be together. And yes, I know you like me and I like you too. " He says, turning around and continuing to take her to his car. She was obviously a little excited to hang out with the man, but her mind began to wonder at how good he looked in his costume.

"Okay, but that doesn't explain why I'm being led to your car. Believe me, I love hanging out with you but isn't it a bit late? And might I remind you I have wine on my dress." He smirks to himself and turns around again, putting his head close to her ear.

"Didn't you know that Greeks love the taste of wine, kitten?"

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