South Italy X Suicidal!Reader: Window

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(Y/N) sat under the tree, reading To Kill A Mockingbird. She wore a (f/c) long-sleeved shirt and jeans, as her hair flew from the slight breeze of summer. It was a peaceful morning, compared to the reoccurring days of abuse, as her father had not come home last night. This usually meant he was at one of those "one-night stands" that he had to deal with the depression of his wife's death.

Her mother always told her to stay strong. No matter what, keep fighting. Don't give up just because she was gone. And that was a rule she continued to try to live by, as she dealt with the death of her mother, the drunken abuse and ignorance from her father, and the overall melancholy of the atmosphere around her because of it. She was seen as a disgrace. Someone that wasn't worthy of a connection.

As she read, a moving truck stopped at the home to the right of hers. She looked up with curiosity. She knew that someone had bought the house, as she had seen the "For Sale" sign being taken down a few weeks prior. She saw three people getting out of the truck. She quietly observed them. A man called two teenagers out of the car. He was in his 40's, deeply tanned, and both his hair and eyes were a dark brown. Like his grandsons, he had a wild curl in his hair, but two of them.

"Feliciano, here are the keys. Could you open the door for me?" The boy named Feliciano grabbed the keys saying "Ve~" and when to open the house door. He has short brown hair and brown eyes, with a curl on the left side of his head.

"Lovino, could you come here and help me with these boxes. " The boy, Lovino, muttered a few curses under his breath as he went to the back of the truck and began carrying boxes into the house. He had dark brown hair and had more of an olive complexion compared to his twin brother. His eyes were hazel.

He felt a pair of eyes staring at him so he turned around making eye contact with a girl who had beautiful (h/c) and (e/c) eyes. They both stared at each other for a few moments before she closed her book, rushed into her house and closed the door. He looked at the door with intrigue and slight confusion before continuing to put the boxes inside of the house.

-----------Later that Day------------

Her father still hadn't come home yet. She wasn't worried, because this happened sometimes. He would stay over at a woman's house for a few days, taking the appreciation he needed and then came back home. It didn't happen often, as he did also have a job to go to, but he had taken off from work as "vacation time" for a few days. She opened the curtains and window and sat on the window seat, looking at the stars above. Unbeknownst to her, Lovino had just finished up setting his room completely and went to open the curtains from his window. Once he did, he looked across and saw the same girl from earlier looking up. He looked up too and saw how beautiful the stars were and how she seemed to be lost within them.

She felt a figure beside her and turned her head towards her neighbor's house. She looked at Lovino, who was now looking at her. She quickly got up and went to close the curtains.

"W-wait, ragazza. Hold on!" Lovino yells, attempting to get her attention. She pauses, still holding on to the curtains.

"I saw you under the tree earlier. To Kill a Mockingbird, huh? Are you a fan of classics?" He said, trying to make conversation with her. She realized that she had to face her new neighbor at some point so she let go of the curtains and sat down once again.

"Uh, yeah. I'm a big fan. My favorite is Romeo and Juliet." She responded, smiling softly. "Speaking of Romeo and Juliet, you seem to have to have an accent. Italian?" She questioned, knowing how the play was set in Italy.

"Sì, I am from Italy. I've lived there most of my life with my twin brother and my grandfather, who you saw previously." He said. "This might be a bit straightforward of me to ask, but is there something wrong?"

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