Odd Ball Blondes and Dog Lovers

Start from the beginning


Reaching her locker, Sakura attempted to unlock it. She turned the lock a total of four times with no luck in getting it open when her patience started to wear thin.

"Open up you piece of shit," she grouched slamming her hand on the door in frustration.

A charming chuckle could be heard from behind her. Sakura, not in the mood for someone to be laughing at her expense, whipped around to snap at the boy but stopped when her viridian eyes met his cerulean. The boy before her was incredibly attractive with a messy mop of blonde locks and skin that looked like it was kissed by the sun. Though the most attractive thing about him was his smile, it was breathtaking.

"Would you like some help with that? I had this exact locker last year and it can be tricky to get open. You have to make sure everything is aligned perfectly and then yank on the lock in order for it to open." He instructed flashing her another toothy grin.

Sakura narrowed her eyes at him but followed his instructions nonetheless and to her surprise it opened the first time. "Thank you!" she exclaimed as she placed her thing inside.

Sakura had assumed the boy would just leave after helping her but was surprised to see him still standing behind her when she spun around. She gave him a strange look and before she could stop herself she said, "Did you need something?"

The boy coughed and rubbed the back of his neck. "I was going to ask what is the name of your homeroom teacher." He answered his eyes downcast.

Sakura felt a small pang of guilt, perhaps she had been a bit rude when questioning him. "It's Kakashi-Sensei," she responded with a small smile.

The boy's face instantly returned to its original cheery one. "That's great! I have Kakashi too! I can walk you there!" he shouted grabbing for her hand.

Sakura was slightly taken aback but let him lead her to their classroom room hand-in-hand anyway. 'He's a little weird but it's kind of cute and he seems like the life of the party.'

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki, by the way. I am going to be the Hokage one day, dattebayo!"

Sakura tittered and introduced herself as well, "My name is Sakura Haruno."

The duo reached Kakashi-Sensei's room, number 1556 at 8:20. Homeroom would ending in only ten minutes. Sakura was surprised to see that there was no teacher at the desk though. She gave a questioning look to Naruto who explained that Kakashi was always late.

"Follow me Sakura-Chan, I want you to meet some of my friends." Naruto voiced pulling Sakura toward a couple of boys and one girl and the back of the class.

"Hey guys! This is Sakura, she's new here and I have decided to take her under my wing for the day!"

"Hey, I am Ino Yamanaka," the girl chirped holding out a perfectly manicured hand. She had platinum blonde hair and deep blue eyes and flawless skin. She was undeniably beautiful and certainly popular amongst the boys in school.

One of the boys stepped forward and grasped Sakura's small hand in his larger one and placed a kiss on her knuckles. Smirking, the boy winked one of his black slits of eyes and introduced himself. "The name's Kiba Inuzuka. I am a full-time dog lover and part time lady-charmer."

"Oh yeah, you're a real lady-killer. I almost dropped my clothes with that line." Sakura drawled her pink brow raised and her lips set in a firm line.

Behind Kiba, Naruto started hacking, his sunny features burning red. He was clearly trying to hold back his laughter but couldn't contain himself any longer. "Oh man! She got you good Kiba!" He chortled holding his sides.

The so called "lady-charmer" whipped around a swiftly punched his blonde friend in the head. "Shut up Naruto."

Sakura broke her straight face and cracked up seeing Naruto rubbing his head as he glared Kiba. These boys were certainly livelier than the ones Ame. All the guys there seemed to be sticks-in-mud.

While the other two boys mock wrestled, Sakura turned attention to the other boy that had been conversing with Ino and Kiba before her and Naruto walked up. He was staring at her with his obsidian eyes hidden behind long black eyelashes. He had high cheekbones and a sharp jaw. His black hair fell to his chin in the front and spiked in the back. He was beautiful in the manliest way possible.

The boy continued to stare at Sakura causing the pinkette to shuffle uncomfortably and look at anything but him. She was staring pointedly at the floor until a pale hand entered in her line of vision. Glancing up Sakura caught the eyes of the boy who had a smug smirk etched on his lips.

"I am Sasuke Uchiha." He introduced with an air of mild arrogance.

"Sakura." She said shaking his hand politely.

"Teme, you sound like such an ass sometimes." Naruto remarked as he and Kiba joined the other three again his messy hair even more untamed.

"How? All I did was introduce myself?" he asked an onyx eyebrow raised in question.

"Yeah, and only you could make the statement, 'I am Sasuke Uchiha,' sound so arrogant." Naruto shot back.

Sasuke scowled at his friend before turning around and walking to his desk. Sakura took the seat next to him and just as she was about to try to strike up a conversation with him. A man with gravity-defying silver hair walked into the room.

"Where the hell have you been Kakahi-Sensei? Class ends in less than a minute!" Naruto barked at the man.

"Oh! I was on my way to school when I passed by this little old woman who was in need of assistance. I offered to walk her-" he began but was abruptly cut off by the bell ringing. "Look at that. It's time for your first period class." He sighed.

"I forgot to ask, what is your first hour Sakura-chan?" Naruto queried making a grab for her schedule. "Cool. You have social studies with Ino, Teme and I and a few of our other friends."

Sakura breathed a sigh of relief, she wasn't going to be alone in her first hour at least.

"Hey, Sakura-chan? How many advanced placement classes are you taking this year?" the oddball blonde asked as he looked over the rest of her course schedule.

"I should be taking three: language arts, statistics and biology." She answered with a smile. Although it began to fade when Naruto, Kiba and Ino all gave her reproachful looks.

"What? I wanted to save money in college. If you take an AP class and then pass the AP test with at least a 3, the scoring is out of five, you can earn college credit." She explained.

Ino nodded in understanding, but Kiba and Naruto still gave her disapproving looks.

Just as the two of them were going to question her some more, Sasuke cleared his throat and every one's attention was focused on him.

"We need to get to class, dobe. You know Kurenai can be rather aggressive when people are tardy." Sasuke announced, his bag thrown over his shoulder. "Follow me, I'll show you where the class is."

Sakura nodded gratefully and followed the raven haired boy out the door and down the hallway.

A few moments later, "Hey wait up Sakura-chan!" could be heard ringing down the hall as Naruto ran to catch up, Ino not too far behind.

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