Expressing It

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Any love you are willing to expel towards another human being, in whatever form it may be, is so well worth the effort. 

Because you are warming a cold and bitter world with one intensely delicate feeling.

A feeling so fragile, but so much stronger than any hatred. 

There is so much effort involved in the action of loving and in preventing it from breaking.

It is so fragile in human hands and as light as a feather when breathed out into the air.  

But you can never care too much, you can only ever care not enough...

I know emotions are a great deal more complicated than that, but be warm and be hospitable and be kind.

It is far more exhausting to carry the hefty weight of everything opposite of love, it sinks and stays when you speak words of it. 

So light a fire, provide warmth, thaw the frozen hearts. 

Thaw your own frozen heart so that you can feel everything. 

And then express it.  

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