Whispers in the Night

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I woke up with your smile on my mind. 

The room around me was dark. 

And everything was dark enough to confuse my mind's world with reality.

I woke up with the warmth of your whiskered jaw crawling down my spine. 

I woke up with the nagging heat of your touch exactly where you left it in my sleep.

Just a touch. 

Just a whisp, something I could fathom just barely, even on my sleeping skin. 

Something, a whisp, that carried into my awakening. 

As I laid there, staring into the abyss of my ceiling, I could hear your voice linger amidst night's silence

Fading out from somewhere inside of my mind's world. 

Silence swirled around me, as thick as the color of your eyes. 

I lay there, drowning in it, allowing for the dark to convince myself I had never actually woken up. 

But I could feel my eyes move, I was aware of my chest rising and falling as I breathed in and out.

I felt my pulse striking my wrist and galloping around inside of my head. 

And I could finally hear the wind, 

suddenly the real world started up again and my mind's world was standing still...

and all I could hear was that howling wind suffocating your last imaginary words to me

You are my life. 

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