The Evolution of Her Facade

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In her everyday bag, she carried a facade. 

Colgate and a chapstick, to hide the rest away. 

She used them to compensate,

for when she knew her smile must be at its best. 

To hide the truth away where no one else could see it. 

Deep down beneath her pearly whites and plump, shiny lips.

Wherein lives a battlefield of insecurities and embers growing stale. 

So she's come to wear out that same facade...

searching for her new and improved. 

One to replace her yellowing faded smile and winter-worn lips

with a sparkle in her eye and a skip in her step. 

Her facade no longer fits in her everyday bag, among the gum and the spare change, 

now it lingers in a day spent moving, never standing still. 

Remaining occupied both in mind and in feet. 

Like a whirlwind, she blows the battle under weeds,

with her quick feet and spinning mind. 

Twirling around a day so fast,

that when she looks back at it, 

nothing seemed to have happened at all. 

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