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Days like yesterday open up perspective and then feed you a mouthful. 

They force you to hold a heartful; they stuff your mind full.

You are suddenly so heavy with thoughts and curiosity. 

You are suddenly so distracted by the enigma that is this moment before us. 

And you can't help but wonder;

Have I been more than generous with my love?

Do I prove my affection in the way I talk, walk, act, exist?

She burned out like a candle.

Some say she flew away, but I know better than this. 

Those thoughts beg to be processed, 

If it would have been anyone else...

what would happen?

Who would find out first; what goes down in an instant like this?

What is the protocol? 

What is it like to meet the end of a shoelace?

And so early on? 

Whose heart would break, 

and would you hear it?

Who would be there, standing outside of your hospital room, taking advantage of visitation?

...had there really been an opportunity for visitation. 

Who would pray, who would cry, who would hurt?

Who would care?

We wonder these things. 

We wonder who would pretend to have been close to us, 

we wonder who would regret arguing, disliking, fighting us. 

We wonder. 

Who would talk at our funeral?

Who would put-off cleaning out your bedroom because it hurts too much to bear?

Who would cry when they scrolled through your silent social media page?

Would you be an example?

Would you be the reason why someone called their friends to hear their voices...

even enemies? Would you have convinced others to allow bygones to be bygones?

Have you told your people, the people you love, the people you hate, the people you don't know...

have you told them just how much you appreciate their existence? 

How much you care for their heart, their words, their every breath?

Because what if right now...

what if this exact instant, the minutes you are taking to read this...

what if these are the last minutes you have left to tell them?

What if you never get to tell them what you always wanted to because you trusted too fervently in a tomorrow where they could hear you or you could speak?

Have you told them you love them? Have you told them you care? Have you told them you would be amiss without them? Have you told them what your life has become because of them?

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