The Heck is a Faun?!

Start from the beginning

"I sense everyone at the gate. Who's arrived?" Kakashi spoke as he creased his brows in confusion. Indeed, almost every ninja he could think of was at the entrance to the village, but there was one presence he could not recognize. The only aspect of it that was vaguely familiar was the. . . magic.

"It can't be." An expression of astonishment lit up Thiavar's impish face as he galloped with the rest, his nose twitching as the breeze blew passed them. "I know this scent."

"I thought you might. This. . . oddball seemed similar to your kind." Tsunade smirked in the direction of the creature, running her eyes over all the animal-like features of the satyr. Thiavar could only roll his eyes.

"Laustus!" Just as the company came upon the boisterous crowd, the satyr blurted out an odd name, making everyone turn to the newcomers and move from Thiavar's path. "What in the world, boy?!" A new anger dominated the satyr's face - an anger Kakashi had yet to witness.

"Sih Thiavar!" (Sir Thiavar!)


A rather average-sized, fluffy dog blurted out a very boisterous bark in excitement at the appearance of an intimidatingly angered satyr. However, upon this dog sat a determined - well - boy of sorts. Like Thiavar, the boy had odd horns, and his legs were that of a goat. Over his shoulders was a white, puffy fur vest, and his body was adorned in various precious, golden jewelry. His appearance screamed posh.

"Bah, heweh ih da Hades dahd vah gaveh heme?!" (Boy, how in the hell did you get here?!) Thiavar screeched, making the poor dog cower in a whimpering mess. Everyone surrounding the exchange could only glance at one another in absolute confusion. . . except Kakashi.

Narrowing his brows in aggravation, the boy answered, "Sheh finemah vah, ov kilm! Vahl'sh nev hilnt tul tripdt, cher ouncol." (I followed you, of course! You're not hard to track, dear uncle.)

Thiavar could only grow all the more aggravated as a snort left Kakashi's lips, adding to the Satyr's anger. A coy smile lined the boy's face - a smile befitting a child all too lost in his complacency to the unfamiliarity of repercussion. Bowing his form in frustration, the satyr marched up to a now apprehensive Laustus, snatching the boy's golden choker-like necklace from around his collar bones.

"Hei!" (Hey!) The boy bellowed at the satyr with a rather indignant pout as the pup cowered in submission.

"Quiess." (Quiet.) The satyr spoke softly as he held the jewelry out, allowing it to float within a bubble of magical energy. Sighing in sudden embarrassment as all the eyes bore holes into him, Thiavar procured a pan flute from the pouch strapped to his furry hips. Placing the instrument to his lips, he blew a very short, staccato melody through the pipes, and in response, webs of ethereal, teal light whirled from the ends of the pipes and into the floating necklace, charging it with an odd energy - a magical energy.

"And just when I thought it couldn't get any weirder around here." Kiba mumbled rather loudly, oblivious to his insult. However, he was reminded all too soon of his disrespect after receiving a deadly blow to the side via TenTen's elbow.

"Heme,"(Here) rolling his eyes, Thiavar snatched the necklace from the air and shoved it toward a gloating Laustus, "Whinlt div. Vah'jj bui abdil ta swah und y'vendevere da laverghaah fum ay luverg ay therl sbajj abuiverd ov bagdic onjds uahd." (Wear it. You'll be able to speak and understand the language for as long as the small amount of magic holds out.) The satyr explained to the wide-eyed child as his small hands grasped the necklace like it was sacred. After clasping it carefully around his neck, the boy dawned a bright smile.

"Awesome, Uncle Thiavar! Now show me to Elvinia!" He commanded strongly, pointing into the distance as his trusty "steed" let out an excited bark. Swallowing thickly, Thiavar glanced at a speechless duo of Kakashi and Naruto, who in turn, both glanced at a pensive Tsunade.

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