worst memories

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This is a one shot written by Mystery200611 I made some tweaks to it but it is theirs. Go follow them they're great!
(I wrote the suicide note lol)

Lance POV

I was sitting on my bed thinking when allura's voice came though the coms

"paladins report to the bridge".

I lazily get up from my bed but remembering the mistakes I made last night, went to the bathroom and wrapped my wrist. I finally made it to my destination.

"Finally all paladins are here" Allura said in a mocking tone towards me. "We're trying a new bonding activity. Where you see someone's worse memories and why it's the worst".

"Can I skip" i said getting a little worried if they were to find out everything.

"No" Allura said.

"He probably just doesn't want us to know his worse memorie is running out of his favorite face mask" Pidge whispers to Keith, they both laugh.

Honestly it hurts when they say stuff like that cause they don't even know me. Not even hunk knows my secrets.

"Ok who wants to go first" Coran said.

"Why doesn't lance go first since we all know nothing bad has happened to him" Keith said rudely.

Oh boy was he wrong

I tried to get away but befor I could Shiro shoved me in the chair and Allura put the cap thing on my head and everything went black.

Keith POV

Allura and Shiro high fived while saying "teamwork".

Lances memories stared playing on the screen.


Lance seemed ten at the time. Lance was sitting all alone in the back of the class room then a ginger haired boy came and sat next to him.

"Hello I'm ciel" the ginger said bubbly.

"H-hello" Lance said nervously.

"Wanna be friends you seem lonely and I'm lonely to because I'm new" ciel said.

Lance seemed to perk up "id like that"

The screen went black then a new memory started

Lance seemed about 14 in this one. Ciel and lance were watching the sun set on a hill when ciel turned his head and looked at lance

"lance I need to tell you something" lance looked in the gingers eyes "yes?"

"I know we've been friends for awhile but I don't want to be friends anymore" Lance started to cry.


The ginger took a deep breath and said "I want us to be more" and with that he slammed his lips on lances. Lance seemed shocked but kissed back.

The screen went black again and another memory started playing

Lance was seventeen in this one, he was standing in front of his family.

"Lance your making us worried what do you want to tell us".

"I'm bi" he said quickly.

Some of the young kids looked confused and the older kids looked shocked. The mom looked disappointed and the father look furious.

"Get out a faggot is not welcomed in our family".

Lance ran up to his room and grabbed a suitcase and shoved clothes in them and ran out the front door. He put his suit case in his new car and drove to his boyfriends house, ciel. He knocked on the door and the ginger came into view. "Hello lan-Omg lance are you ok".
"N-no they didn't accept me".

"you can live with me"

The screen went black yet again and another memory started playing

Lance walked into to the house setting his keys down "babe I'm home" he got no response so he called out again "babe!" still no response so he went up stairs and went into his room.

He knocked on the door softly.

"Ciel? You're worrying me, are you ok in there? I'm coming in" he says with a worried tone.

There his boyfriend hung by a rope connected to the fan. There was a note on his pocket barely able to see. Lance quickly got his boyfriend down and checked for a heartbeat but to his horror there was none.

Lance hugged his body close and cried. He rocked gently with the body. After a minute or two he grabbed the note and read:


Lance if your reading this I am dead. I'm sorry for leaving you. I just can't handle anything anymore.

I didn't have the guts to tell you but... A few weeks ago I was raped. I was so ashamed and disgusted with myself that I couldn't bring myself to tell you.

I didn't want to burden you with anything more with all I know you already deal with. Your dad and family the other things... I couldn't let you deal with my problems on top of that.

Ive been hiding everything, keeping it in, hiding the cuts and scars and I'm tired. So tired.

I love you with every part of my being but I just can't deal with the pain and disgust I'm feeling.

This is the only option for me. It's the only way I will ever feel peace. But know I am where I am happy. I am without pain, disgust and hatred. I am without you but when you're ready you will come to me too...

I'll be ok

I'm sorry lance. I love you


And the screen went black

Keith's pov

I stand Frozen in shock, horrified by what I just saw. Shiro and Allura have the same look as on their faces and Pidge and hunk are both crying.

Lance stands up and takes the helmet of gently setting it in the chair and quietly walkd away. I finally found the will to move, finally unfreezing and run after him.

Before I even get halfway to his room

I hear a gunshot

Hope you enjoyed!!!

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