useless (part two)

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So I have no readers (which isn't surprising) but am I gonna let that stop me!?. Probably!!!! *sighs defetedly with a smile on my face*     (btw the song up there I though suited lance so much and it HTC sorta sounds like him)

~~keiths pov~~

"Hey keith" Lance says grinning as the door opens.

"Hey lance, foods ready and we were wondering where you were?" I responded.

He looks different, a little shaken. His skin is paler then it usually is and his hair is a mess. Not to mention the faint red rims on his eyes.

"You ok?" I ask raising my eyebrows.

"Of course man! I just got some moisturiser in my eyes" he says laughing and scratching his head. "I'm such a cluts".

"Ok... well come on everyone is waiting for you". I turn and walk down the hall, expecting to hear his footsteps right behind me.

I turn round. Lance is still standing in the doorway of his room. If I didn't know better I'd swear he looked scared.

"You ok lance?"

He jumps slightly and turns to me.

"Oh yeah dude don't worry! I'm just tired" he says walking out of his room. Once he gets to me he continues walking on.

"Hey! Lance! Is that blood!?" I shout worriedly. There's a patch of deep red on his sleeve. "Did you get hurt?".

Lance stopped dead in his tracks. He didn't turn around he just hid his arms from view.

"Yeah during the last battle" Lance said quickly.

"But our last battle was days ago?"

"Haha yeah it must have reopened" he says finally turning round. A fearful grin on his face.

I look him over, not believing him. Why should I care he probably just hit it and doesn't want to admit it.


~~lances pov~~

Oh shit I wasn't prepared. He just showed up. How did I lose track of time, now he's suspicious. What am I supposed to do.

I suck in a deep breath and continue walking. We turn the corner and walk into the kitchen. I almost double over as a stab of hunger rips trough my abdomen.

I plaster on my biggest fake smile and shoot finger guns at them all.

"Sorry I'm late guys! I was playing some video games, I've nearly beat the game!" I say grinning.


"I know you guys probably missed my gorgeous face!"


Everyone glares coldly rolls their eyes as I sit down.

They all hate you. Just admit it to yourself.

"Really Lance.  You're even late for food. How useless are you" Shiro scoffs angrily.

I laugh a little holding back my tears.

"Don't hate the player hate the game" i say smiling.

They all groan.

Hunk pushes some space goo in front of me silently.

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