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Au where flowers grow from the wounds your soulmate has and anything you draw appears on your soulmates skin. It starts happening when both you and your soulmate reach 17
(I'm making it so Keith is younger then Lance and Keith is only just turning 17)

---keiths pov---
Ive just turned 17. I finally get to connect with my soulmate. I've been told to look forward to it, that it will be an amazing experience and you can know how your soulmate is feeling and find them when you're ready.

Shiro has his soulmate at home. They were engaged before the kurberous (how do u spell dis?) mission. Adam. They seem to love each other....

I sit with the other paladins in the common room (whatever room I haven't a clue) with a cake sitting on the table, 17 candles sticking out of it.

We have a clock set on earth time. It's nearly my birthday. The exact time I was born.

I take a deep breath as the other paladins count down.


My heart is racing so fast it might bust out of my chest.


I start to panic a little.


What if my soulmate doesn't like me?


What if my soulmate is a girl?!


What if the soulmate system doesn't know I'm gay?!


What if I get paired with a straight man? I've heard about that on the news!?


What if I'm pair with someone a lot younger then me?!


What if I'm labled a pedo for life!


What if they don't like me!?


I take a breath and open my eyes.

I don't feel any different... Nothing is happening on my skin or anything.

Everyone cheers loudly and claps me on the back.

But I don't feel any different...

"Congrats Keith!" Everyone yells.

I rub my arms and force a smile on my face.

"Thanks guys" I say faking a laugh.

If I'm honest... I've always liked Lance... But he can't be my soulmate... He's definitely straight, all he does is flirt with girls.

Everyone goes to the kitchen to celebrate I'm guessing, I'm not sure. I tell them I'll join them in a minute.

Suddenly Lance's voice fills my ears.

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