◽🔺d-300 - Graduation Day

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Last night

- I didn't eat anything then evening tu I did nestum chicken wrap. Guna soy sauce

-mandi solat and makan.. Then after maghrib I baring au.. Srs penat letih

- solat and I said to Hadid nak sleep but I stay up bcs tk ngantuk sangat dah after isyak.

- slept at 2215 kot


- terjaga at 3 ke 4 smtg.. Time terjaga tu, I tidur kat tempat orang tk tidur. Like, I guna queen sized bed and I tidur belah kiri, belah kanan books and pagi tadi tah camna I bangun and I tidur belah kanan tu

- capai phone and at 430 I bangun. Tengok yt.. I nak text Hadid but tkthu nak text apa

- mandi at 520 and solat.

- okay time tengah siap nak buat breakfast, I kena period.

- peel off mango and drink milo

- mummy panggil I pergi her room.

- she nak jahit my baju but tak sempat.

- dia makeupkan I and suddenly I nangis hahahaha mengalir ha

- makan nasi goreng and siap.


- I turun lewat sikit bcs kabut

Mak ash, " lawanya dia"

Me, "eh"

- time nak masuk segi tu ada pak guard tegur is bcs masuk salah direction 😂

- saw yasri, adila, syad and we terus pergi kereta cg. Peluh weh.


- got our gown and we naik atas.

- we naik lif dengan 5D and gentle dorang bising ahahaha

- I tandakan nama untuk ash & I.

- tukar in classroom and time tu baru bernafas sikit

- I recorded video and tak lama nurin and jee datang.

We wore our gown and mortar board.

- manisha helped me betulkan gown & hoodie.

- we took a group photo and then at 826 kot, we head out bcs they said kene beratur

- kat luar tu masyaallah, ramai + panas + bising

We kena baris ikut number and memasing kipas kipas.

Cg mazatul snap gambar us and I tangkap gambar guna phone jee

- so we masuk balik classroom bcs they said at 830 ke 9 baru masuk hall

- we duduk.. While orang semua gelabah snap pics hahahaha we je relax.

- we beratur and finally masuk Hall.


- sang negara ku and got montage

Montage tu throwback dari f1 do ahahahaha aduh.

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