d-204 - sleepy, ig, WiFi

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Last night,

- slept at 2330.

I read sej.. Bab2.


- set an alarm at 520 to sej but time I search tu en mata dah ngantuk. So.. I tidur

- I did milo and roti peanut butter. I malas nak bawa. + watching tasty.

I watched this

I'm going to finish every season ❤️❤️


- sc was so so...

I srs ngantuk so after habis tu I gerak vending machine ahhaha jadi bad girl. Nak beli coffee but tkde 😔


- sab bought oligo and we continued the module.

I got the Matriks betul but terbalik so salahh

Ehh tkde negatif.

- ash and I did the plann

- hadid came to me and usha kerja hahaa


- ustaz came and we borak banyak la gak time dah nak habis masa dia.

- alia and I nak cakap pasal story kakak ash semalam and we jinxed.

Time I nak cakap dengan ash, dia pula nak bercakap dengan syahirah so dia annoyed 😂


- suruh sab beli milo

- time keluar kelas, najwa jalan sebelah I and she saw "eh. Mwah"

And linked her arm to me. I cam "ha.."

- we followed us to the library and seeejuk

- Cg mazatul ada and suruh us pergi extra class.

- Hadid and I keluar agak lambat sikit.

I baca newspaper pasal ozil.


- ramai duduk kat pintu after rehat.

- I tk bawa buku kecuali textbook.

- Cg suruh salin and syahirah tk habis habis - in my feelings.

Me, "rap dia tk elok do"

Alia, "kau dah dengar ke lagu full?"

Me, "dah"

Alia, "wow akak hipster"

- they buka pasal one direction and I tanya ash, dah dengar ke lagu zayn yang sour tu (down here) and she said belum

Pastu dia cakap, "aku suka entertainer"

Me, "you're my favorite entertainer"

Pastu nyanyi sikit bcs lupa

- I baring kat ash and her arm panas.

Naim, "meh la fatin sandar kat aku"

Me, "taknak" then he ajuk. Me.

"weh fatin. Kau perlukan seseorang untuk dengar cerita kau en. Ha meh cerita kat aku" Haa I tweeted it

Me, "ala baby kau dah ws aku dah"

And he sengih 🌚

- dorang tk habis habis dengan 7G yang eyka and eira

I tknk dengar au but dh duduk sekali.. Em.

- Arol, "weh nina. Mummy datang tk hari sabtu? Aku nak do mummy dia datang"

MAK aku nak datang tengok aku pun payah HAHAHAHAHA ini datang nak tengok kau


- did transformation transfer

- got some quiz.


- I dengan ash nyanyi in my feelings.

Cam we keliru "cause I want ya and I need ya"

Berterabur au ahaha then she started ke I tah. We sang full song.

- wanted to buy ayam but tk beli


- bro balik and I makan.

Act I nak makan but nak makan telur au dari semalam tapi ada lauk ayam so makan la ayam.

Tk sempat nak makan, tetibe bro, "kau nak telur tak?" and he fried for me :') love youu

Pastu tengah makan, phone dia bunyi and ringtone Blackpink ddu du ddu du


- studied sej and chatted with put.

- watched worth it 1615 then mandi.

- 1730 I typed and watched Munafik trailer even semalam dah tengok.

Ps: I malas nak bold kan conversation. And rn I nak desc orang...

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