d-246 - Another Day in Melaka

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Last night,

apa eh.

- I tidur pakai pelikat

- bantal hotel tu keras do.

I pukul bantal tu bcs nak kasi empuk.

- dengkur do semua

Morning - 0430

- mummy woke us at 430 and I tukar jeans

I kumur and ciao

- it was so sunyi

- I tahan mata sikit then tidur

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- I tahan mata sikit then tidur.

- tidur but sakit badan

- I cari skittles kat plastic belakang tetibe tkde

Rupa rupanya fadli dah makan au so I minta.

- terjaga at kat mana tah.. Ada 2 ke 3 tempat we stop.

1 kat mana tah. Then dengkil.

I think the first stop kat seremban. Time tu mummy Park kat depan surau and I nak gerak solat. It was 730 kot..

Mummy suruh beli nescafe tarik and we turun.

I basuh muka bcs muka sembab

- then we stop balik kat dengkil I guess..

Tah la weh aku pening.

- tidur balik and then makan jaker potato chips

- then sedar sedar dah smapai kat parking clinic shong

It was 910.

Stayed in the car with bro and then makan mamak.

- nasi + ayam goreng

- Chinese kat situ makan bergelak ketawa

- sebelah us ada tourist makan and she was soo terkejut


- sampai rumah and I baca newspapers and mandi

- It was 11 and I baring tidur sampai 1600

- solat and mandi.

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