d-242 - Ambang Merdeka, motivation from Administrators

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Last night,

- I didn't chat with anyone except for Hadid for a day

- baring at 2000 smtg then fell asleep until 2130 bcs mummy masuk bilik. Dia bising.

I tidur pakai kain pelikat and terjaga at 3 then 4 then 5 and I solat isyak, tahajud. Pastu iron baju and mandi.

- did roti kaya with milo.

I got messages from last night but I still tk reply. Malas.


- salam najwa and I sat beside her pastu wani pelawa duduk depan but I tknk

- sooo the event started. But lama gak ah 30 minutes lewat from the schedule.

- pengetua lepaskan balloons and we were sooo amazed ahahha bcs the balloons flew to the sky.

- then got the nyanyian from nazrul eh dengan osaman and 2 guitarist. One of them is zikri

- then fashion show. Cg zuhaila menang.

Time tu manisha sat beside me and aliya and we snap pics.

- the dramaa. We need to berpindah depan bcs yk the sun

Saw irfan and ya it was sooooo fun.

- we sang laguu. Got the 2018 song which is bunkface and then Malaysia sejahtera? Sejahtera Malaysia? Tah

Bfr nyanyi tu we got bendera and I lupa Hadid diri depan I and I thought Najeeha au pastu I pegang shoulders dia and said "jom nyanyi" and I baru perasan tu Hadid ahahahaa

Then I, "eh salah. Weh Najeeha nyanyi jom"

Bcs cam salah orang la nak ajak NYANYI hahahahah


- was math but I duduk kat celah meja Hadid and jee.

I baca jee punya buku sej and I nak tanya wani au if she pergi beli buku ke sabtu ahad bcs I nak kirim buku and then I called her "wanii, wanii"

Pastu Najeeha, "kau dengan wani dengan orang lain cakap lembut. Sampai aku dingin"

Aku cam srs tk faham

Ah yesterday en kena isi borang berhenti sekolah and I nak tanya meja I, "aku bt ke binti"

But I said "bin ke binti"

Syahirah, "kau pakai tudung jadi kau binti"

- did maths and jee wani helped me

- went down and bought hl chocolate and oreo


- Hadid joined.

- I nak pee au but tahan je weh

- makan and I tengok gmbr I dalam cam manisha and then dina & I snap

- habis recess and we went to toilet.

Pastu I suruh Hadid nikmati suasana dataran.

- we talked how fast schl days and I told her left 98 days.


- Cg tk masuk and I ajak Hadid lepak luar.

Lama juga. We usha a and we talked about our siblings ; how annoying they are when they bangun tidur.

She talked about jaja and me, fadli & suhail.

- then got announcements. F5 kena gerak hall


- we masuk and sat depan. I duduk sebelah dina (1 line dengan natalia syu ros)

- dina bagi her paper bcs cg suruh salin

- Cg cg semua en cam mesra ha.

- Cg shahrol mangat weh time kat dataran abhahahayaa

- then at 1240 camtu dia bagi balik and van yelek

- so dina & I called acik and we decided to jalan kaki.


- dedua penat ; rhtym slow

- sampai jejantas, I nak ikat tali kasut and osman did thumb ups

- it was hot and we keluarkan buku

- lambat gak berjalan. Sampai rumah time azan


- mandi, solat and makan maggi

- watched merong mahawangsa jap and went to room

- it was 1500 and I played ml and kemas baju at 1530

- solat and duduk depan watching hunger games with adik then I lapar gilaa so I buat grilled cheese and solat maghrib.

Tonight maybe makan luar.

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I got your back.

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